Part 7

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You and Eren were riding along with Levi's squad. This guy name Oluo kept running his mouth.

Y/n:Hey Eren, do you think this guy ever stops running his mouth?

Eren:I don't know, it's really started get really annoying.

Y/n:I can't believe I'm here riding with you guys.

Oluo:The only reason you're out here with us is becauseLevi let your sister on the squad. I don't get what's the big deal, that girl is really not that good.

This really angered you.

Y/n:Hey you better take that back.

Oluo:What? It is the tru-

While he was talking he accidently ended up biting his tongue.

Y/n's mind:That what you get when you talk too much.

You and the others reached to where you where going. You started talking to Levi's squad and getting to know them better. You decided to talk to Levi.

Y/n:Hey Levi, what do you suppose we do?

Levi:I suppose that you best grab a broom and then best get to work.

You,Eren and Levi squad started cleaning around the room.While you guys were cleaning around the room you accidently broke vase.

Y/n:Oh shit.Great, that captain's gonna kill me.

???:Don't worry I'll clean it and won't let him know.

You turned around to see the female who was on Levi's squad.

Y/n:Wow, thanks.

You walked away as Petra cleaned up the vase you have broken. You went on to clean some more until you saw your sister who cleaning also.

Y/n:Hey Nata...

Nata:Hey Y/n, never expected to see you here.

Y/n:Yeah, the captain has me cleaning up.

Nata:Well I hope that you are doing your best and not making him angry.

Y/n:Well I broke a vase.

Nata:Well the captain is gonna be a little boy mad.

Y/n:Well it's gonna be fine along as he doesn't know.

You walked off leaving Nata.

You and the rest of Levi were in a meeting.

Y/n:Okay, now let's talk about this whole thing titan transforming thing. These people really think that me and Eren are threats to humanity even though, we're here keeping them safe, protect g them from titans.

Levi:Oh please, you both will get out of control at some point. If it ever come to that, I guess I'll have to kill you myself.

Y/n:Well you are just as savage as ever captain. Anyways of I get out of control, I'll make sure to eat you first.

Levi:If you are ever able too.

You chat with the rest of Levi's group for a bit until you decided to check out Hanji to see what she had going on.

Y/n:Hey Hanji, you said that you needed me to see something.

Hanji:Yeah, I did and don't you worry, you are gonna be surprised.

Y/n:Alright then.

When she had taking you somewhere, you saw titans being in chains.

Y/n:Da hell?

Hanji walked up to a titan and started talking to it.

Hanji:How are you little guy, do you mind telling me your name.Are you in any pain of such sort?

You felt sick just by looking at those titans. Hanji then got over to another titan which almost bit her but she got back.

Hanji:Whoa that was a close one huh?

Y/n:Ma'am you are so creepy right now.

Not feeling to be there right now, you left the area and met up with the others. You spotted Mikada in your way.

Mikasa:Y:n, you're alright! Did they hurt you?

Y/n: Yeah I'm alright I'm sure.

Mikasa: Of they ever hurt you could tell so I can take care of them.

Y/n:Seriously Mikasa it was that big of a deal. I can assure that they didn't any harm to me.

You left leaving Mikasa behind.

Back in the walls.

A man was being behind a cell cage with two guards near.

Man:Hey don't you think that you should really offer a water because I'm real thirsty.

Guard1: Hey zip it.

Man: Is that really how you gonna treat your guests.

Guard1: I said zip it.

Man: Well fine then suit yourself.

He waited for the two guards to walk and they did he find a really sharp object that he cut the wall with it and started walking away from the cell.

Little did know that they was a guard that was holding at gun right at him.

Guard: That is as far as you as you can go.

He simply started approaching the the the guard.

Guard: Stop!

The guard fired at him but he just caught the bullet and crushed it which causes the guard to get scared. The man took up a knife and charged at the guard's neck and then there was blood splattered all over the wall.

I hope you all enjoyed. Please stay tune for.

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