
194 10 3

(lol there texting each other-")

Succ has joined the conversation

Noticeme- has joined the conversation

Nightmare. Has joined the conversation

??? Has joined the conversation

Deadinside has joined the conversation

Succ:heeyy everyone

Deadinside:go back to bed reaper, it's four in the morning

Succ:hM... How about... No-


Noticeme-:Aweeee you guys are so cute with each other-

Succ:I agree

Deadinside:I hate you all, your all dead to me

Deadinside has left the conversation


Nightmare:Stop inviting me to your pointless chats, I hate you all


Succ :wait who invited them?

???:uh oh- gotta blast-

??? Has left the conversation

Nightmare:the next person to text something is gay

Noticeme:I'm gay for you senpai


Nightmare left the conversaion

Succ:okay- cwhussvshsshshz

Such has left the conversation

(gEnO iS cUrrEntly sTabbIng rEapEr)

Noticeme:well sense no one's here... I'm- hsisshsishsuusbshshsbs

Noticeme has left the conversation

(nightmare threw cross against the wall)

OK bye

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