Kenz to the rescue

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They taught me there solo "cry" and then we went in to the hot tub and played truth or dare.

Me: Maddie truth or dare

Maddie: Dare

Me: I dare you to twerk

*she stands up and twerks then slips*

Me and Kenzie gasp " Oh my god are you ok" We yell at the same time I start running over to her and pick her up her arm is almost I half I ran to the door and half way there I slipped hit my head and passed out. Kenzie ran to the front desk and told then to call 911 "My friend Sienna slipped and cracked her head open and my sister broke her arm hurry!!" " They will be here as soon as they can just keep calm and call your parents and comfort your sister" " uh ok" Kenzie hurried back in to the pool area and put Maddie's head on her lap while she sobbed tears of pain. *Kenzies pov* "You'll be ok Maddie, I know you will be but I don't know about Sienna she hit her head hard!" 10 minutes later the ambulance pulls up and puts them both on there own gurney's and pulled away.

I went to the front desk and asked what room Sienna was in she said 127. So I ran around the hotel trying to find 127 when I found it I knocked on the door her mom answered and her sister was behind her " Hi I'm Mackenzie like you know...Well your daughter Sienna slipped and cracked her head open and my sister Maddie slipped and broke her arm and now there both on there way to the hospital in an ambulance and I need a ride there do you think you can take me?" She nodded her head and tears dripped down her face she grabbed the car keys and we got in there small car me and her mom in the front and her sister in the back.

____________________________________________________________Sorry this was really short

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