Ch 1. A Long Time Ago...

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"Get up," a rough but familiar voice rang out, shaking you from your sleep, "Get up kid, you're on watch now." Your bleary eyes open to see the masked face of Jack Morrison, Soldier 76. You nodded as you got up from your seated position, broken concrete crackling beneath you as you stood. You shook your head and the sleep from your mind and quietly walked to the edge of what used to be the floor. A long time ago an Omnic had blown out this building's interior into the streets. That was your best guess anyways.

Looking out, you could see Rio De Janeiro sprawling out before you, a mixture of life and broken city. Closest to you was where the Vishkar Corporation had once resided, that is, until they got ran out of town by the favela's own residents led by someone you'd once known, Lucio Correia dos Santos. Once upon a time, before you'd ever met Soldier 76, before you'd ever fought against Talon, before you ever joined Overwatch or gained the powers that would place you among their ranks, you'd listened to Lucio's then little known music with your friends.

Friends...that really was a long time ago wasn't it? Well it felt like it at least. As you stared out over the lights of the favela, you thought back to those days. The days where your biggest worry was forgetting what day an exam was.

That was almost 5 years ago now. You'd been a freshman in high school. In fact you could remember the very first day of school. You'd had your earbuds in your ears, music blaring loudly, with your eyes glued to the concrete. You weren't really excited for the first day at a new school. Sure, your two best friends we're going here too, but really, you didn't like change. Funny enough your life was about to start changing in ways that you couldn't even begin to comprehend.


As you walked onto campus your eyes flicked upward and began to flash side to side as you looked at everyone around you, all unfamiliar faces. Your friends weren't anywhere to be seen so you pulled out your phone and began to text them, 'Hey, you guys he-' before you could finish typing out your text you collided with someone else, the impact accompanied by the sound of a body hitting the floor and a curse in a language that definitely didn't sound like English. You rubbed your forehead which was beginning to swell as you looked at whoever you'd run into, "Sorry are you okay?" you asked. Your eyes found the slender figure of a girl in blue jeans, a white tee shirt and a light blue varsity style jacket with white stripes going down the sleeves, some kind bunny logo patch stitched onto the breast. The girl was rubbing the back of her head as she looked up at you with pretty, brown, almond shaped eyes that locked onto yours.
"Babo! Watch where you're goin'!" she said, annoyance clearly echoed in her voice, despite the phone that she was clearly clutching in her hand.
"Hey, I'm not the only one to blame here!" you fired back, "You coulda stepped outta the way too if you were looking! You ain't blind so you musta been looking at your phone too." The girl just glared back at you and your extended hand, her gaze threatening to cut right through you. "You gonna stay on the ground or you gonna let me help you up?" You finally said after a moment or two of silence. The girl rolled her eyes and took your hand, allowing you to pull her onto her feet, muttering a 'thank you' quietly under her breath, just barely loud enough for you to hear. "Your welc-" the sound of your voice was cut short by the sound of a girl screaming and the crash of a stack of textbooks on the back of your head, "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU PERV!"
"OUCH, WHAT THE FUCK?!" You cried out as you span around, hands covering your already throbbing head to face your attacker, "Monroe?!"
"Oh...(Y/N)'s just you..."


"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CREEPING ON MY HOMESTAY COMPANION?!" She screamed as she brought the stack of books crashing down on your head again.

Yup, that was one of the best friends you'd been waiting on earlier. Marilyn Kaspar. You guys sometimes called her "Marilyn Monroe" which tended to get on her nerves, but that only fed into your relentless teasing. Mary, as she preferred to be called, was a girl with blonde hair and green eyes that you'd known for the last year and a half. Honestly, you couldn't really recall how you two met beyond it being at one of your middle school dances. She, on the other hand, was absolutely convinced you tried to hit on her. If asking a girl to move so you could get to the punch bowl count as flirting with her, then sure...

"CREEPING?!" you yelled back at her, trying to defend yourself from the onslaught of books being unleashed at you, "WE RAN INTO EACH OTHER OK?! I WAS JUST HELPING HER UP!"

"Is that true Hana?" Mary asked the pretty Asian girl, giving you another smack on the head.
"I mean he shoulda pulled his nose outta his phone," she said as she shot another glare your way, "but yeah."
"Ugh, fine...I'll have mercy on you this time (Y/N)."
"Thanks...also what was this I heard about homestay? You never mentioned it to me before," you asked your blonde haired friend.
"I could've sworn I'd told you over the summer that me and my family-"
"My family and I," you corrected her. Your mother was an English teacher, she'd gotten you into the habit of correcting others' grammar a long time ago. Much to her dismay however, you were often lacking in that department, just as much, if not worse, than everyone else.
Mary rolled her eyes as she continued with what she was saying, "My family and I were hosting a foreign exchange student."
"That wasn't me."
"You sure? I remember telling you how she was apparently a huge gamer and you going off on how much you didn't care about gaming."
"Monroe...I'm the gamer out of us remember?...not Jude..." Jude Mac-something-unpronounceable. The tall, ginger, Irish boy was the last to make up your terrible trio of friendship. Jude, unlike Mary, you could remember meeting, you and he had been partnered for a group project and, much to your surprise, the boy did as much work as you did, a rare occurrence in middle school. You were surprised when he started hanging out with you. He seemed the type to hang out with all the kids who played sports and stuff like that, but based on what he'd told you, they all had 'incurable cases of assholery and dickishness'. You two did game together on occasion, but compared to you he was by no means a 'gamer'. He played sports games like Madden and Call of Duty whatever number they were on at this point. You on the other hand had a plethora of games from FPSes to RPGs to Racing games and more. The only thing you couldn't really stand was strategy or MOBAs, not because they were bad or anything, they were just so boring to you.
"Ohhhh, right!" Mary exclaimed as she finally remembered what she said to who, "You're right! I must've forgotten to tell you! Now stop being rude and introduce yourself damn it!" She clipped as she forcefully turned you around to face the girl. Much to your surprise however, the look on the new girl's face had changed from annoyance and defiance to the slightest nervous blush. Eyes averted, hands shoved in her pockets, it was clear she wasn't exactly as extroverted as Mary was or you pretended to be. You sympathized with her. You let out a sigh as you decided to just set aside the brief spat you and she just had in favor of easing her nerves a little. You put on a kind smile and offered a hand, "I'm (Y/N), so you're a gamer huh? You play (F/G)?" At the mention of gaming the girl looked back at you and smiled a little, lighting up, before taking your hand and shaking it, "Hana Song. And yeah, but damn you still play that game? It's sooooo old now!"
"Oh god, the nerds have been unleashed..." Mary facepalmed herself behind you.
"Well hell yeah I play! The game's fucking iconic!"


The sound of something falling over on the floor below you startled you from your trip down memory lane. Both Shrike and 76 were asleep in their bed rolls behind you. You stood up and stared down the sights of your rifle at the stairway. Talon? You couldn't know. You took a deep breath, held it, and exhaled. Only one way to find out...

A/N: Image Author unknown I was writing this, I did not expect to hit ~1500 this length alright for you guys? Do you guys like this so far or what? Drop your thoughts in the comments! Thanks for reading!

Also 'Babo' is the Korean word for 'idiot' (don't expect me to pullout a Hangul keyboard for this shit lul)

Life's Just a Game, Right? A D.Va x M!Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now