Ch 2. High School Seems Fun

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Update: Just did some ret-conning on the last few paragraphs since I wasn't very happy with how it turned out. Nothing major and doesn't make any changes to plotline so those of you who have read this chapter before 1/17/19 can skip over this if you like.

You and Hana chatted with each other about various video games you were excited about. You couldn't wait for the upcoming Code: Vein, Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, all of which were in the vain of Dark Souls, and were hoping that a new Titanfall would announced at some point or another and Hana was all for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts, Super Smash Bros, Forza Horizon, although not as much as the others, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Spider-Man, and you both nearly freaked out over the next Last of Us. All in all, you and the new addition to your group of friends were getting along quite well. Mary behind you both was texting away on her phone ignoring the two geeks she called friends as you all walked to your first period classes.

You didn't have the same first period class as the two girls, but luckily enough you all had the same home room class. For now, the three of you parted, the girls going one direction, and you another to your first class of your freshman year of high school.


Your careful steps made little noise, only the quietest snapping of your boots on loose concrete as you approached the steps, and the sound that had drawn your attention in the first place. The closer you drew, the slower your breathing got. Deeper, more focused your eyes narrowed slightly as you made the final steps and flicked your rifle's light on just as the top of your head could see down the steps. The shape of a figure shot up to full attention, a long face snapping to look at you before scurrying away. Just a rat. You lowered your rifle and let out the breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding onto. "God damn it...Nerves are going haywire..."
"You better not be thinking about smoking one of those vile cigars like McCree carries around." said an accented voice behind you. You span around pistol whipping out from its holster, until you realized it was just Shrike, or rather Ana Amari.

The older woman hadn't donned her mask. Her blue cloak billowing out behind her in the light breeze that drafted through the building, silvery hair glinting subtly in the moonlight. "Jesus fucking Christ on a crutch Ana..."
"Don't swear (Y/N). You really are on edge, aren't you?...Are you sure okay?"
You let out a sigh as you nodded quietly, returning your pistol to its holster, "About as well as I can be right now...I'm anxious. Dunno why though, we've done stuff like this a thousand times over. Something just I dunno."
"Maybe its because you're not worried for just yourself anymore, hmm?" Ana said in that voice only a grandmother giving shrewd advice to her family used.
You scoffed as you sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall behind you, allowing the older woman the cracked and tattered wooden chair, one of the few furnishings that had survived whatever had happened here, the other being a wooden table, "What're you talking about Ana?"
"Tsk, you know exactly what I'm talking about (F/N) (L/N)," the elder woman said, using your full name, as if scolding you, "You aren't afraid for yourself anymore. We both know you dying never bothered you. You always cared about your team more. But now, you have someone who needs you more than you need you. If you die...well, let's not dwell on that."
You looked at Ana with an eyebrow raised in curiosity, "How in the hell did you-"
"Come now, (F/N), I'm no fool. Jack may not know, but he never was any good at things like this."
You shrugged and gave up, there really was no getting anything past the old woman, "Well, you got any advice then?"
"Forget it all. Forget her."
You gave her a look that said 'what the hell, why would I do that?'
"Mother knows best. If you're thinking about going home, you won't make it back. You must be focused, (F/N). For you, for her, but more importantly, your team. Fahm? (Understood?)"
You nodded in response to the woman's advice and looked at the the floor, your thoughts swimming in your head. "I'll take over the watch now. Get some rest child."
"Thanks Ana."

The silvery haired woman stood and moved over to the whole in the wall you had been standing by only a few minutes ago. You stayed where you were and let your head tilt back to rest against the wall, eyes slowly closing as you let sleep, dreams take you over.


You and Jude stood up from your seats in your first period seats, "I'm tellin' you man," said the ginger-haired boy, "You play your cards right, you might have a chance with her."
"Dude, I appreciate the sentiment but, A, she's way outta my league, and two, she's foreign exchange, meaning she probably isn't staying. Lastly, if I'm completely honest, don't you think it'd be weird if that happened? That'd be like if you and Monroe started to date."
The redhead shuddered at that, "Alright, alright, whatever you say. And hey, wait did you-?"
"Yes...I switched from A/B to 1/ are very observant," you said dryly, rolling your eyes.

The two of you walked towards your next class, your homeroom and on the way, met up with Marilyn and Hana again. "Hey guys!" said Jude, waving at the two, "So you must be the exotic Hana Song that Monroe has been talking my ear off about," he said with a charming smile.

Yeah, Jude was the more charismatic out of you two. Not that you cared. Well, you didn't care that much. It was just how life had dealt the cards, and you weren't about to fault the guy for it. But that didn't take away from the fact that he could probably land any girl he wanted while you usually had to awkwardly struggle just to get that first date. Which was why you found Hana's response to be hilarious.

"And you must be the boring Irish boy she's told me about. You don't look like you ever got over that potato famine, I could buy you some extra food if you'd like!" You all laughed at that one as you guys continued to walk towards class, you chiding Marilyn for not greeting Jude with a stack of textbooks to the head like she had to you. As the four of you approached your class room, you guys found your path suddenly blocked by three guys. One with short, spiky black hair. About the same height as Jude, who was already a solid 6'2", and muscular. His two friends weren't as tall but, they were still an easy 6'. One was very skinny and the other of a bit more average build. "Hey there cutie," said the the taller of the three looking past you at Hana, "What're you doin' with these losers? You should hang out with us, we're way more fun." he smirked. Unfortunately for the boy, Hana's sharp tongue struck again, unrelenting in its sting, "And do what? Stand around eating bananas and walk around like a gorilla all day like you guys? No thanks," she fired off, face red, fists clenched in slowly rising anger.
"What the hell did you just say to me?!" the boy said, his voice quickly rising to a shouting level.
"You heard me you-!" Hana started before being stopped by Mary putting a hand on her shoulder. You stepped forward, very close to the bigger boy while Jude stepped in front of Hana.

Yeah, the other dude was easily twice your size. But that worked in your favor. You'd been taking martial arts since you were a little kid, and this guy looked like the sort that let the testosterone think for him. Sure if he landed a hit on you it would hurt like hell, but at the end of the day, you knew you'd win that fight, especially with Jude at your back. The two of you had been in a scrape or two before, and you'd always had each others backs. "Look man, just back off," you said to the boy, looking him dead in the eyes, your jaw tightening ever so slightly. "You really wanna do this? In front of a classroom? Are you looking to get expelled on your first day?" The guy stared back at you, clearly trying to both think and intimidate you at the same time. You weren't the kind to back off though so you stood your ground and glared back. A tense moment passed. "So? You gonna get outta our way?" Another moment passed before the taller boy shook his head and turned around, "Whatever, you guys are just a bunch of geeks," he finally said, walking backwards before turning around and gesturing for his lackey's to follow him, "Have fun in social hell."

The three boys left and you looked over your shoulder at Jude who said, "And shitheads like them are why I prefer hanging out with you three."

A/N: Cover image by Liang-Xing on DeviantArt

And that's the second chapter guys! Also this book is somehow #49 of all D.Va stories and its been...a day? Since I first started it, so Wattpad idfk what kinda weird analytical magic your doing but uhhh fix it. Not that I''m complaining but fix it.

In other news, yeah second chapter is done and I hope you guys like it so far. Drop your thoughts and stuff below and lemme know what you guys wanna see happen in the future! Thanks for reading!

Life's Just a Game, Right? A D.Va x M!Reader StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora