Chapter 1

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I couldn't remember why I was standing in the kitchen anymore. I couldn't remember why I was standing over my father's body with a knife in my hand. I couldn't remember how he used to be, before he hardened and became cruel. Using drugs and alcohol to hurt my mother, it pushed me further than I was willing to go.

But when I saw him actually murder her, there was no more edge. There was no more sanity for me to cling to, and I plummeted. Down, down, into the infinite abyss of nothingness, where I began to rot. Even after they took me away, dragging me from her body as though I were some bug to be brushed aside like my life didn't matter. But that's because it didn't. I didn't. Not anymore.

They dragged me far, far away from what I once called home, to a place of white. White everywhere. The ceilings, the walls, the floors....but i am special. I am special is what they said. So I was hauled off to a special room for a special me. A room with padded walls and floors, a high ceiling, and a tiny window that couldn't have been able to fit anything bigger than a mouse through, not that anything else would want to join me in my own personal hell.

So I rotted. I rotted and soured until I became what I always knew I was. A monster. I was no longer the sweet little boy that would help mom in the garden, nor the loyal little thing that stayed strong even when things got tough. I was no longer my mother's son. I became something else, something so much more sinister, and they gave me a name to match.
I am Jinx.

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