Chapter 5

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He's been gone for two days now. Now that I'm thinking about it, so have I. Different people come and go everyday with those stupid mashed potatoes, and a new set of pills that they're trying to sneak into the disgusting stuff. I close my eyes as another nurse comes in. She's still fairly new, and is skittish about coming in here. I smile the beginnings of my usual shell-shocker for her when I get a brilliant idea. I close my eyes and play dead. After a moment, I feel a little poke in the side of my arm. And then another, and another. Until I can hear her little panicked breaths.
It's not long before she starts hyperventilating, and starts digging at the straps holding me down. This is the part where I smile and pop my eyes open the moment the strap comes free, lunging up and out at her. I probably scared the stuff out of her, but I need to see Jamie. I crash my way down the hallways, and soon enough, I heard the sirens start up, to signal my escape. I manage to make it all the way out to the parking lot, by some miracle, where I steal a car from the lot. I can't remember the last time I saw blue skies and other people!
Everything moves past me on the road in a blur, and I'm not even sure what I'm doing anymore. I don't know why I'm speeding down the road in a stolen van, risking my life, I don't know why I escaped. I don't even know if Im acting out of fear or something else. I only knew one thing. Jamie.
I still can't believe they fired me. Fired me. From an Insane Asylum for goodness sakes. I sigh as I click the button to change channels on the television. I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't think they'll let me in to see him. I drop my head back onto the couch and let out a long groan of defeat. I pick up the remote and am about to turn off the tv when the news channel comes on. I watch with semi curiosity, until I catch something. I'm positive my jaw drops to the ground as I watch the silver van run red lights and turn corners with such speed that would make Vin Diesel pee his pants.
It was no longer after that that I grabbed my jacket and keys and made my way to my own car. I back quite a bit faster out of my driveway than I should've, but this is Jinx we're dealing with here. I'm cruising down the road, watching for any signs of the van, or the cops, for that matter, when I start to hear the sirens from said cops. I slow way down and park on the side of the road, waiting. I wait, and wait, and wait, for what seems like forever until I finally see the hood of the van come screaming down the road. I put my own car in gear and tail him, until he finally notices me, and slams on the brakes. Luckily, having known this is the first time he's driven in years, I stayed way back behind him where i wouldn't be affected by such driving. He gets out of the van, leaving it in drive and running, in the middle of the road, and comes running up to my side of the car.
"Get in." I don't try to sugarcoat it; we're being chased, and there's no time for games. Though luckily, he obliges without question, only a silly grin on his face, and plops down beside me. I take him home to my apartment,and he gets out and trots right in like he owns the place, which is good, because I don't want him going all freaky on me. Especially in this situation.
"Okay, Buddy, how about I go get you some water, and then you and I can talk, okay?" He nods, a big smile spreading across his face, seeming to love the idea.
I go to my kitchen and ruffle around in the cupboards, finally settling on a glass cup, knowing that I would keep him from hurting himself with it. When I come back out, he's looking out the window, his long, slender fingers spread across the glass as he gazes out at the world that he missed so many years of. He turns around, only for me to see that his eyes have filled with tears, and his shoulders were slumped and trembling slightly from the quiet sobs.
I set the water down and head over to him, not hesitating to pull him directly into a well-deserved hug. He stiffens slightly, but for barely a moment before wrapping his own arms around me. I take a deep breath after another few heartbeats, and pull back. His brows furrowed in confusion that I barely register before pressing my lips to his. It was soft, and slow, the kind of kiss that makes your toes curl. However, he only stood there. Did I do something wrong? Maybe he doesn't even like me this way...I had looked down, pondering this, when I felt his cool fingers caress my face, before pulling me back in. This time, he responded quite well for never having kissed before.
I feel him smile against my lips, which makes me smile as well. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his rapid but steady heartbeat, as he wraps his long arms around my waist. I was content to stay there forever, with him running his fingers lightly through my hair, when he spoke. "This is what I'm here for, isn't it?" He says it in a light, breathy voice, almost inaudible.
I lift my head and meet his steady gaze. "Huh?"
He smiles and kisses the top of my head. "For a good twenty years of my life I spent hating myself for not being good enough. I kept saying, 'How bad could it get?' and it just kept getting worse, as though the world were challenging me. I never knew that it could get better, and not worse, which is why I blocked it all out, becoming who I was when they locked me up. But I know now, that I had to go through all of that, just to be able to find you. I found myself in you, and deep down, you and I are the same. You helped me see myself again. Your are my life, my world, my love. Jamie, you are my purpose." I had let out a few tears of my own as he said this, but I just smiled snuggled into him more. "I love you too, Jinx."

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