Chapter 4

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I don't understand what I did wrong. One minute, I'm watching Jamie walk away, and the next, I' m being grabbed and stabbed with sticks that send my body into spasms that hurt like hell. I must've blacked out, because the next thing I know, im lying on my back, in a familiar padded room. I groan at the massive headache I've acquired, and try to reach my head, but my arm wouldn't budge. I lift my head, but it's restrained as well.
    Well that's just great. All of my limbs are literally attached to my bed, I have a pounding headache, and now I have an itch on my nose that I can't reach. I sigh and scrunch up my nose to try to itch it that way, when I finally realize what's going on. I'm back in my cell, and Jamie is nowhere to be found. It's then that I start to freak out, and lose my grip. And then I'm falling falling falling back into that deep hole that I've come to call home. I'm not sure how much time as passed. Days, months, years, it's all the same to me. Boring, creepy, crazy 'ol me. I laugh suddenly, finding my weirdness to be funny.
    By this time, I've finally figured out out to scratch at the demons still living in my skin. I rub my wrist side to side and up and down against the metal bindings, creating enough friction to burn me. Finally. Maybe I can snuff them out once and for all. Maybe I'll kill them but they come back don't they? I sure hope not because they've been with me my whole life and don't know how to play nice HA I don't even know how to play nice...More time passes, and my wrist is now raw, dripping blood onto the padded floor and probably staining it. HA serves them right for locking me in here. I mean, seriously? Locking an insane person in a padded room on their gurney, not being able to move, and oh let's not forget, BY MY FREAKING SELFbut that's okay yeah it's fine...I laugh again, long and crazed. It can't get any worse can it? Oh ho you have no idea what you're dealing with. I'm only just getting started.
    I couldn't get out of the house fast enough to get to the Center. I was in such a rush, I barely remembered to lock my car before practically sprinting inside; something I never do. I'm fast walking down the hallways and into the South Wing, until I've finally reached his cell door. I feel like a child getting a lollipop; I was so excited to see him again. Oh my gosh I hope he's okay...I undo the locks down the side of the door and push it open. What I see before me grabs the breath from my lungs and yanks it out until there's none left for me to breathe from.
    "Jinx...?" I say it slowly, not knowing what mental state he was in, or if he was even awake.  When he looks up at me, his eyes are bloodshot and crazed, as though he had stayed up all night because somebody scared him too bad. I smile what I hope is a comforting smile, and take a step toward him. That's when he starts laughing hysterically and thrashes around, with what little moving room he had.
    "Jinx...I'm so sorry you had to go through this, Im so, so sorry...Just let me help you..."
He doesn't even blink, just keeps thrashing around, making his wrist bleed even more. You're never supposed to snap at the people here. But I did. I did, because I want to help him.
    "Jinx!" That got his attention, alright. He looks up at me, his eyes full of unshed tears, and I immediately break, I crumble beneath his very gaze, and I just stand there, my face devoid of any emotion at all. Finally, the beginnings of a smile I know very well, starts to slowly spread across his face. His eyes have softened, and have released the dam on those tears, finally letting them through the gates. I let out a gasp that sounded an awful lot like his name, and lurch toward him.  He winces, but keeps his eyes on mine.

    "I can't let you out, Buddy...Im sorry..." My heart breaks into a million tiny pieces as I say this, and he closes his eyes, fresh tears making their way down his face as I stand there. I take another step toward him, when I hear my name being called from outside the room. I sigh and turn around just as the door swings open, and in the doorway is another nurse.
    "You're Jamie, right?" At my nod, he continues. "Well, I've been sent to fetch you. The boss wants to see you."
I cast a glance over my shoulder, meet Jinx's gaze, and close my eyes. "Okay."

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