[1] Suddenly

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[Harin's POV]

"This. Can. Not. Happen."I yelled.

"You can't force your own child to marry a man she don't love just for your goodness sake!" I continued.

"Harin..Please, it's for the goods of your father's company." My mother pleased me.

"You know how much your father loves you when you're little. Remember he even-" She continued as she recite the past.

"I know. I know what he did for me. He saved my life right? He saved my life and now he's no longer in this world right? He-" I stopped as I doesn't want to recite my horrible past.

"Please understand for the goods of your father's company, you must marry him. Your father's dream is for his company to be in the top 3 biggest company in the whole world.He can't achieve that..but I can. And I will need your help Harin-ah" My mother said as she shreds to tears.

"But- do you know why he save me? He loves me. He wants me to have a good life. He rather save me than his own life. But I won't ever have a good life if I'm marry to a person that I don't love!" I said as I fall on my knees in the position of begging my mother.

"Harin-ah" She said softly with her soft voice but got interrupt by the phone that suddenly rings.

"Yeoboseyo?" My mom said as she sniffs away her tears.

"Ahh~ yeah. Yeah."She said as she write down random stuff while talking.

"Ne~ Thank you so much for understanding, I'll be right there."She said as she slam the phone down.

"Harin. I'll be gone for a while. Take care of yourself. There's some left-over foods from last night, if you don't like them ask the maids to cook something else. Bye!" My mom said quickly and grab her jacket & keys and rush out the door.

"What..?" I said as I raise my head and sniff away my tears.

I stand up and walk to the table as a note was left there.

"$12,000 Own from STE Ent. $5,000 Own from ASJ Ent. $57,000 Own from IYU Ent." I read the note.

My mom soon then rush in the house as she look at me willingly.

"Hehe I forgot something." She softly laugh.

"This. Isn't it?" I said as I walk up to her and give her the note.

I then hug my mom, squeezing her so hard between my arms.

"Mom. I'm sorry! I will marry him. I'm sorry mother!" I said as I cry out loud.

My mom own other company's money for the sake of my father's company.

I can't help her anything..

This is the only thing I can help her with.

Marry a man I never love and that family will pay the money that we own for my family's company..?

"It's okay...." She said as she pet my head.

"All I want you to do now, is eat. Take a nap. Wake up. And get ready to meet your husband okay?" She said as she give me a smile.

I nodded and walk upstair in to my room.

Do you know who I am gonna marry?

Well I do.

The person I hate the most in my school.

No, no.

The person I hate the most in my whole life actually.

A.K.A my bully.


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