[3] Meeting

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*Back To present*

Tuesday, 140715-

[Harin's POV]

Today is the day to go and meet him.

The person that I've hate for 8 years.


Have I ever mention that he is also a player?


Oh my god. I'm so sorry well now you know.

Aren't you starting to hate him too?

He have like 5 different girlfriends each week.

Like what the heck?!

Where did you get all those girls from?

Well he do have one "real" girlfriend.

They do alot of "couple" stuff.. if you know what I mean.

Well back to present.

Today, my mom forces me to go and meet Luhan.

Well, I've met him for 8 years.

My mom would never know that he is my classmate and is also known as my bully, like literally..his acting is amazing.

Better than a professional actor.

So, I dress up..very informally.

I don't want to show my formal side to him as he don't want to show his informal side to my mom.

"Harin-ah! He's waiting for you outside! Be quickly!" My mom scream at me.

He. is. driving. me.

This can not happen. Oh no.

I can't live one day near him! I'll physically die!!!

Harin-ah. Face the truth. You must use the same car as him. Face it.

I said as I calm myself down.

I close the door as I said good-bye to my mother.

The first thing I saw when I first walk out of the house is the most disgusting scene ever.

Luhan. Is. Freaking. Kissing. His. "Real". Girlfriend. On. The. Driver's. Door.


I can only describe it with one word.


No,no. Two words.



I look at him as his girlfriend's saliva was on the corner of his lips.

I was gonna puke.

I'm serious.

He suddenly saw me, then he stopped.

Thank you. You're nice this time.

His girlfriend walk to the passenger's door and wait for Luhan to open the door for her.

He open the door for her and act as if he's her butler.

He open the door for himself and goes in.

"I thought it was only me and you. How come this girl is here?" I thought as I stand near the passenger's door.

He then roll down the window.

"Aren't you gonna get in slowpoke?!" He said harshly.

I flinched as I was in deep thought and open the back door.

Then I heard the girl laugh loudly.

Please. You have manners.

I sit down in the back seat and close the door.

Right when I close the door Luhan vroom like a race car.

"WATCH YOUR SPEED IDIOT!" I scream trying to seatbelt myself.

"Why? You're scare? Scaredycat." He smirk.

The girl continue laughing after Luhan's comment.

"You two are the best couple in the whole world." I mumble.

Today can't get any better.

Cause I'm with these two.

[EXO] my. horrible. MARRIAGE. life.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu