SEVENTEEN Interraction part 3 (Finale)

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It was only me and Vernon?

I was questioning this scenario in multiple ways. Was i set up? Was it a coincidence? Were our members hiding somewhere? The list went on and on about possible situations Vernon and I were in.

"Yi, are you okay?" Vernon said

"E-eh Yeah" I stuttered back

He was walking closer and closer

I soon felt his breath on my face and his lips on mine.

My eyes were open during the whole kiss.

I still kissed him back

The kiss lasted for about 5 seconds
(A/N: Looking at you Chanyeol)

"I like you" He said "Like a lot. I know that we barely know eachother but I still hope that you can accept my feelings"

Still shocked not knowing what my body will do next.

Well, The thing my body did next was pull him in for another kiss.

It was just a short one, But it felt like forever.

I heard giggles I looked, around and saw my and Vernon's mebers.

"Have a happy relationship" The8 said while running away with the others.

Vernon and I were laughing as we watched the others run away.

"Well I have to go beat some disrespectful kids up now but I'll see you later'' I said

''Can I at least have your number first?" He said taking out his phone from his pocket



What do you think about Vernon × Yi yan?

I finally updated this book

Remember that requests are still open

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