Ruining The Moment.

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- My P.o.v -

"Oh Geoffrey." I hear myself say, as I sigh and sit up quietly. "What's wrong?" I didn't know how to respond. My heart skipped beats. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt myself turn warm. A grin formed on my face because I knew I was probably embarrassing myself,  due to, excessive blushing.

When Geoffrey noticed, he also sat up. He held me tight in his arms and gave me the most sweetest kiss. We sat there, practically nude, intertwined with one another. Almost like we were the only two people in the world. With no worries and each other, what more could I ask for?

"I hope you had a good time tonight! Nothing hurts? To the point where I need to take you to the hospital, right?" "I'm fine, Geo. Just a little sore. Aside from that, we're good. I'm very happy. You were right. You've made this day pretty unforgettable. I'm glad you're the one next to me right now. I'm glad out of anyone I could've fallen for, it was you." "Me too. I'm grateful it's me. Honestly, these other punks never deserved you." he said, sitting up in a more comfortable position.

Now, only partially nude, we hear someone calling my name. Next, a knock on my bedroom door. "Nikki! Who's vehicle is parked outside in your driveway at this time?" "Um, KC. Now's not a good time. Go home, please!" "Why?" "I'm a little busy. I'm tangled in my sheets." I comment, letting out a sly chuckle. "No, open the door, or I will," she threatened.

I looked at Geo. He looked creeped out but at the same time it looked like he wanted to burst out in laughter. He buried his face into a pillow. Then looked up and whispered, "What are you going to do?" "I'll be back." I tell him whispering back. "Okay, fine. Be right there, KC." I shouted, while grabbing my sheet and properly wrapping it over myself.

I quickly exit the room and find myself face to face with KC. "Woah, why are you pretty much naked and why do you have sex hair?" "It's my house! I sleep the way I want, okay? Deal with it. The real question here is, what the hell are you doing here at almost one in the morning?!" "Calm down, okay? I dropped by to see if you were okay. You looked really upset earlier. Please, do not tell me it's because of him!" "Look, this really isn't the best time to talk about that. Please, go home! I'll see you later." I say, quite annoyed. KC starts walking toward the door, stops and looks me in the eyes, "He's changing you. I don't like it one bit. I don't like him period. He's bad news. You should stop seeing him."

Oh heck no. She went there. "I have a life aside from you. My life, is none of your business. Now, get out!" I said, opening the door for her. She leaves, I lock the door once more and head back to my room. "What did your friend want? Seriously, she doesn't have a life. Ever since you and I started hanging out more, she's been trying to get into everything. I knew she didn't like me, but that much? When we all hung out, I felt the hate vibe she sent. Come on, I know she thinks that I'm going to hurt you because of who I am or even my reputation. In reality, she knows nothing about me. Nor us. She won't even take a chance to get to know the real me! She just judges based off of what she has heard," he said frustrated.

I tried comforting him. "Shh, it's okay, baby." I say while running my fingers through his soft hair. "We'll make her see you're not who she thinks you are. She's overreacting. She's the bad one for even jumping conclusions. Also, for flat out judging you, Geo."  His upset face turned into an evil smirk face. "Shit, you love me!" "Not going to deny that." I said, kissing his cheek and laying down. "What do you think you're doing?" "I think I'm about to sleep!" He laughs and smirks, "Get over here, I'm not finished with you!"

*** A/N:
Laaamee ik. but vote, comment. etc. Thanks for supporting my story. I love you all and owe you big time for even taking the time to read this! ^_^ Yayyyy!:)

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