Info + Rules

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welcome! this is an individual dog roleplay! pretty self-explanatory, right?

that's right! every breed of dog is accepted, even if they are some sort of strange wolf-dog mix. this is individual though, so you can own up to four characters, and the roleplay will be between only you and i in a comment chain, or in private messages.

i will allow up to 10 people per character i post.


with every roleplay, comes a few rules. i know that it gets a little annoying when there's a lot of rules when you head over to a new roleplay, but these are needed.

Г10 chains per character¬
this means there will only be ten people roleplaying on each character. once this limit is reached, it cannot be exceded.

ГNo detailed mating scenes¬
there will be no detailed mating scenes. but, that does not mean that the two characters can't be in love and have pups. skip mating scenes.

ГNo overpowered characters¬
try to balance out how powerful your character is. i would like for my character to have a chance against yours.

ГDon't control my character¬
this one is here for an obvious reason. i will control my character, and you will control yours.

ГCensor swearing¬
there shouldn't be too much of this anyway, but censor it just in case.

you get three strikes.

1- warning. I will let you know when you are breaking rules and let you off with a warning.

2- 24 hour ban. I will tell you about you ban, but you will not be able to reply for 24 hours.

3- Comepltely banned. I will not give any warnings for this. You will just be banned completely and the chain will be deleted.

Individual Dog RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now