Thunder (5/10)

477 1 462


4 years

Geman shepard and Lab mix


He has scars all up and down his body, and imagine there is four jagged scars across his muzzle. His hind leg seems slightly/very subtly twisted out of place.

ГPersonality¬Don't let his gentle appearance fool you

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Don't let his gentle appearance fool you. He is actually very protective and territorial. He can be snappy, aggressive, and quite mean. He is quiet a fair amount of the time, but when he does speak it comes out as a growl or snarl. After Thunder warms up to you, he isn't so mean, but he is serious and takes almost everything literally.

Personal space, being alone, having his own little territory type area. Thunder also loves any kind of treat he can get a hold of, and he loves snow/cold weather.

Fighting, abuse, others tresspassing on his "territory", jokes, when others talking too much. He also hates any kind of human contact and dog food. To him, it is really dry and flavorless. The last thing Thunder hates is running.

He is a good hunter and fighters, despite his hate towards fighting. He is also good at tracking.

He is awful at swimming and running. His hind leg is slightly twisted out of place, so it hurts hurts him to run.

Nikki - Geman Shepard - Mother
Axel - Lab - Father
Fawn - Sister
Diesel - Brother
Marcus - Brother

ГStray or House-dog?¬

ГOther Information¬
He walks with a noticable limp.

He used to be abused.

His former owner used him for dog fights.

His family is split up, living with separate owners excluding his mother & father.

He was hit by a car. That is why his leg is twisted and he walks with a limp.

Scenario # 1- It was raining. Cold droplets cover your fur, soaking you down to your flesh. You needed to seek shelter and fast. That was when you stumbled upon an alleyway full of boxes tucked under dumpsters. You find one that was perfect size for you and curl up inside. As you drifted off to sleep, your mind was clouded with the reasoning as to why you left. In the morning, your eyes flutter open. With a yawn and stretch, you look around. Your eyes stopped trailing around when you spotted him.

It was a male that walked with a limp, and sniffed around cautiously. Suddenly, his head snaps up, and he stares right back at you, lips curling into a snarl. He trots over, ears flattening. "What are you doing here? Didn't you know that I own this alley? Find your own place to stay." He growled. Maybe if you explain your situation to him, he would let you stay. You didn't have anywhere to go, and nothing to eat. You swallow nervously. He was clearly a very dominant male, and it would be hard to convince him to let you stay. You...

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