Zahara (0/10)

78 0 21

"I'm Zahara!"

3 years

"I am a girl..."

Siberian Husky

She tilts her head. "Do you not see me?"

 "Do you not see me?"

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Zahara is a very sweet and kind. She is wise like an alpha, and brave like one too. Zahara is playful, energetic, and bubbly. She is very sensitive, meaning it's easy to hurt her feelings.

Lastly, Zahara is empathetic. She feels what everyone else feels. If someone is sad, she is sad, if someone is angry, she is also angry.

Zahara likes to play, run, and meet new dogs. She likes being happy and knowing when others are doing well. She loves cold weather, food, and attention.

She hates it when others are upset, or rude. She doesn't like it when someone snaps at her because it makes her feel bad and angry at the same time. Zahara does not like hot weather or the dark.

She is good at tracking, running, and swimming.

She is incredibly empathetic, which can be bad in some cases.
Zahara can't hunt well, fight, and isn't the best at defending herself.


Scenario #1- It was winter time. You didn't really hate the season, but you were rather neutral about it. You were roaming around a field, which you normally defended as your own (even if your character is a house dog or not).

You would check over your small territory everyday around two times a day. It was filled with small animals to chase around the open, snow blanketed field.

You look around, spotting a small reddish-brown pelt dashing back and forth, rolling in the snow. Thinking it was a fox, you run in the direction you saw it. The closer you got, the bigger it would get until you could finally tell that it wasn't a fox.

It was another dog.

She was rolling in the snow, giggling and she didn't seem to notice you. She seemed to be a stray, due to the lack of a collar around her fluffy neck. You could see ribs poking through her fur as the snow melted and slicked it against her body.

She didn't seem to be causing any harm, but this was your territory.


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