Chapter 10

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"You've got all of me."



I sat at my desk, flipping through my old journal. Each of the pages were filled with my thoughts, song lyrics, and secrets. There were so many things about Jake, so all of our memories flashed through my mind. The last time we saw each other was close to two years ago, and I wonder how he was going. Does he remember me? Does he regret what he did that night? Does he have a girlfriend? The little voice inside my head reminded me that I shouldn't care since he was the one that cut off our relationship, but it was hard not caring for a guy that I fell madly in love with. 

"Hey kiddo." Erin said as she walked into my room. Today was my adoption day, and I was nervous and excited. I was excited that I would finally have a stable family, that actually loves me, but I was nervous that being adopted would mean that this was it, I would be cutting off all ties with Lauren. I haven't heard from her since before I was raped, and she hasn't tried to contact me either. I talked to Jay and Erin about it, but I don't think they could do much if she was spending most of her life hiding anyways.

"Hey." I said as I closed my journal and sliding it under all my books.

"Nervous?" I could tell that Erin was nervous that this wasn't going to go through, and honestly I was too. Ever since I was found I have been treated with love, something that felt so uncommon for me. I never had someone to love me, so their love really hit home, and now I was ready to call this place home.

"Yeah." I said.

"Don't be, everything will be okay, babygirl. No matter what, I'm going to be here for you, and Jay and I will not stop fighting this battle until you are ours." I nodded, before she walked over to hug and kiss me on the forehead. She walked out to get Sophia ready, and I just sat for a minute or two before I got up and slipped into my formal dress for today.

We made it to the courthouse and met up with the lawyer as she explained what was going to happen in the courtroom. I sat outside on the bench and pulled my phone out and shoved my earphones in my ear. My leg bounced as I listened to the songs to help calm me down. 

"Hey pretty girl." Meg said as she sat down next to me. Erin, Jay, Hank, and Fia walked into the room with everyone else, and I didn't notice. 

"Everything will be okay." She whispered before taking my hand and guiding me into the room.

The trial continued on, but I honestly had no idea of what was happening. I slipped into my own world thinking about Lauren and Jake, and the life I had before this. The room fell silent as the judge looked at me before asking his question.

"Spencer, are you happy?" Am I? I simply nodded before he picked up his gavel and pounded it on the table.

"Well then, I have just made this day a whole lot happier, because I grant Jay Halstead and Erin Lindsay official custody of Spencer Taylor." Will, Meg, Nat, Carter, Hank and Fia clapped and cheered as I felt Jay and Erin throw their arms around me. I couldn't help the tears that slipped from my eyes. In that moment, I forgot about all my other thoughts, happy that I finally had a family of my own, a family that actually loved me. 

"Wow, looks like you are stuck with us now." Will said as he gave me a hug. I smiled, I was going to be Spencer Lindsay-Halstead.


Jay and Erin threw me a little surprise congrats party and the rest of the intelligence unit was invited. We sat around, ate, and had a good time. Everyone slowly left, and I helped clean up. I was exhausted but plopped down next to Jay. He threw his arm around me and Erin joined us.

"Wow, Spencer Lindsay-Halstead has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

"Uh, I was meaning to ask this earlier, but can I keep Taylor as my middle name?" I asked, nervous to hear what they had to say. I wanted to keep that part of my name, as a remembrance of Lauren.

"Of course, babe. We don't want to take that away from you." Erin said. I nodded before I told them goodnight and headed off to bed. I was finally home.


A/N: Sorry for a late update and a short chapter. School's been kicking my butt recently :// Vote and Comment on this chapter!!!

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