Chapter 25

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You just take it all away.


I got up and started to get ready for my coffee date with the girls. I had just gotten out of the shower and thrown on some spandex and a sports bra when I got a facetime request from Jake.

"Hi babe." He said groggily, and I could tell he just got up.

"Hi." I said as I propped my phone up against my mirror so I could do my makeup.

"I don't like that." He pouted into the screen, and I just smiled at him.

"I'm getting ready to meet up with Kath, Dani, Allie and Kenny."

"So you could gossip all about your boyfriend and how he said I love you last night?" He said as he smirked into the camera. I blushed at his words, because that was exactly what we are doing.

"I see you are blushing, so I am right." I shook my head and continued to put on my mascara.

"Wow, why is it that I'm not the shirtless one today." He chuckled and I looked down, forgetting that I was just in my sports bra. I chuckled before turning the camera towards the wall so that I could change.

"What time does coffee with the girls end?"

"Um, I don't know, in like an hourish?"

"Alright I'll pick you up in an hour, and we can go on a date."

"Okay." I smiled before hanging up. I grabbed bag and phone before I headed downstairs.

"Mom are you still taking me to the cafe?" She sighed before she nodded.

"I mean it would be a lot easier if you just got me car. I already have my license." I said with a smirk on my lips. She shook her head but chuckled before we headed to the cafe.

Kath, Dani, Allie, Kenny, and I just sat around and talked for an hour about boys, and Jake. It was refreshing to have a stable friend group that didn't pressure me into anything. I felt comfortable around them, and revealed little pieces about my past.

"Boo." Jake yelled as he threw an arm around my shoulder. I jumped out of my seat and slapped his arm as the rest of the girls just laughed.

"Thanks for the warning." I muttered at them.

"You should have seen your face, Spence." Dani laughed. We all said our goodbyes as Jake and I walked out to his car. He came around to open the door for me, and I climbed into his Jeep.

"You ready?" He asked as he looked at me, a smile etched into his face.

"I'm still mad at you." I pouted, but he simply smiled and leaned over to kiss me. I smiled as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

"Baby you know I hate surprises." I frowned as he laughed and continued to drive. He took my hand and I felt warm inside, just being with him.

"Let's play a game, it's going to be a while before we get there."

"Okay. 20 questions?"

"You basically know everything about me though." He said.

"Fine, we can only ask questions that we don't know about each other."

"Deal." He said as he lifted my hand up to his mouth and pressed his lips against it.

"When did your mom decide to move? and how did you take it?"

"That's two questions, but I'll let it slide. Um, I knew I wanted to move the minute you left, because you were always my home. She just came home one day and told me to pack my things, and that we were leaving. We didn't turn back from there, and made it to Chicago, where she grew up. I was just happy to be away from Utah." I smiled when he mentioned that his home was where I was.

"Okay, your turn."

"What would you do if you ran into Lauren again?" I squeezed his hand as I looked out the window and thought about what I would really do.

"I'm not sure. I know I would get her contact info, and try to get her some help. I just want to fix whatever this is, and have my sister back."

"Honestly, I would ask you parents to look into seeing if they could track her."

"I know. Anyways, do you want to continue football in college?"

"I mean football was always my dad's thing, and you know that. I genuinely enjoy it though, and if I get good offers, after high school, then yeah, I will. What about you? Do you think you will ever reveal your voice."

"I don't know, Jake."

"I think you should. You sound so good, even if you don't want to go big, even though you should, I think you should at least make a youtube channel and release some covers, or some of your personal songs."

"That's actually not a bad idea. I'll consider it." I said as I smiled at him. We stopped at a little park that looked out over Chicago.

"Oh my god, this is so cute, babe." I smiled as I looked at him.

"Thanks, my mom told me about it, and I thought we could check it out, and make it our spot." He opened his trunk to display a cute little picnic basket, and a blanket. We sat, ate, and just talked about everything we missed.

"When did you realized you were in love with me?" Jake asked randomly. I blushed, thinking back to the time in seventh grade when Jake defended me in front of all the other boys.

"I mean we have always been friends, and I've always loved you I guess like seventh grade I knew that I was in love with you."

"Was this after the time all the boys tried to grind on you as part of the dare?" He asked with a smirk.

"How'd you remember that?" He simply winked.

"Mine would probably be when we went back to Salt Lake for a weekend as part of the school trip in 8th grade. We were in the pool and you turned and slapped me because I called a girl a bitch." I laughed and thought back to that day.

"I love you, always have, and always will." Jake said as he bent down and kissed me. This boy had my whole heart, and that will never change.

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