Pictures of the past

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"Sure, what's up?"

"I need you to go back and try to get into her dreams once more, or even just try to see what happens in them. I really don't want to get my brothers involved, but your one of the ones she has yet to meet yet so do this alright."

"Yes sir."

                                   After that LJ vanished once more. Once he was gone Slender sighed and his hand to his temple once more.

"Please don't let her be doing what I think she is...."

                                Back in the living room BEN was sitting on the floor playing his games once more. Sitting behind was Jeff, who was giving him a murderous look. Out of nowhere a black smoke enveloped into the room and on top of Jeff was LJ, the candy lover himself, who was laughing ass off due to him being on top of the forever smiling child.

"LJ, what the hell man!?! Get the fuck off of me already!!"

"Now why should I do a thing like that for?~"

"Cause if you don't I'll hide all of your candy!!"

                              Hearing this LJ quickly got off of Jeff and and shoved him off the couch. Crouching over him he gave Jeff an insane smile showing his sharp teeth.

"You know what'll happen if you were to do that correct?"

                              Shuddering Jeff nodded and quickly got up leaving the room. Looking over at BEN LJ sighed knowing that something was bothering him.

"Hey BEN"

"What do you want now LJ?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me to visit the girl you all are making a fuss over."

Dropping his controller BEN quickly stood up, worry coming across his features.

"Why are you going over there so late at night? What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry I'm not going to do anything. I was only assigned to check up on her and to see what you were talking about. I just thought that maybe you would like to go as well since you're the one who gave Slender the information in the first place."

                              Shocked that LJ, LJ of all people, is being kind to him Ben couldn't speak. So instead he gave a small nod. Giving a large smile LJ walked over giggling causing BEN to step back but he didn't get far cause LJ grabbed him and teleported into (Y/N)'s Room. Once there he let go of BEN who stumbled back feeling slightly Dizzy causing him to accidentally knock a book over. Hearing the thud SMILE dog woke up and started to growl, but stopped upon realizing who it was.

"So what are we doing here again LJ?" Ben asked once he got over being dizzy.

"To check on the girl obviously. Also I have something else to do as well so you check her arms while I look around the house."

                               Before He could protest LJ had 'left' the room when really he went into (Y/N)'s dreams. Once there he noticed the crack in the wall had gotten slightly bigger to the point that he could hear what was going on behind it. Getting closer to it he put his ear up against the door only to step back due to hearing a giant scream. Taking a step back his eyes widened in shock.

"Wh-what's going on over there? Is she having a nightmare?"

                               Hearing the scream once more he ran over to the door and started to bang on it in slight annoyance because he couldn't get in. He then heard a laughter that chilled him to the bone. The man who had the craziest laugh was slightly scared from this laugh. He couldn't tell if it was from the girl or not. Before he left he heard a tiny voice scream and cry out in pain.

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