Chapter 1

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"Today's the day, today's the day!" I sing, skipping along through the hallways to my first period class, AP Art.

I him to myself and pass a row of windows, seeing my reflection. I self-consciously adjust my black, peasant-cut dress that I chose to wear today. I look down at my flip-flips and shuffle my feet nervously.

"Stop it Skylar," I scold myself, "Everything is going to go perfectly, you look fine," I reassure myself.

Tightly reslinging my long, blue bag, I start up my slow trott over to my personal sanctuary. I'm about to reach the door when two large warm hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who," He whispers in my ear deviously, and I quickly remove his hands and turn around to meet his devious eyes.

"Not cool, Mason," I exclaim, smoothing my auborn hair before hitting him in the arm.

Mason has been my best friend since birth. Our birthdays are only a day apart. My mom and his mom have been friends since college, so when they got pregnant at the same time, they were both pretty much ecstatic. Even if we didn't coincidentally end up having rooms right next to each other in the hospital, the fact that we live next to each other would probably help the fact that we became best friends.

Mason has dark blue eyes, crisp blonde hair, and was tan. I'm so jealous that he can tan, but I can't. I mean, I'm a girl? Shouldn't I be the tan one?

He had medium build and always flaunted the fact that he was stronger than me. It was annoying as fudge. Also, he was half a head taller than my 5' 7" supposedly 'puny girl height'.

He's brother I never wanted, but got stuck with anyway and he never let's me live it down.

"Aw, I just came to wish my best friend a very happy 18th brithday!" Mason says innocently.

"Yeah, well it won't be that happy if I don't get to class," I point out, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at Mason.

He mocks my position, so I drop my arms to my side, only to have him mimic that as well. I sigh and then turn on my heel, walking back to my original destination, the art room.

"Hey!" Mason shouts runnning after me.

"Hay is for horses," I respond naturally, continuing my rigorous stride to the art room.

"Maybe I am one," He responds poorly.

"That would explain some things," I muse, glancing at him with a smirk.

He matches that smirk and we quickly arrive at the door to my own personal heaven. I stop in the doorway and wave at the art teacher, Mr. Thompson, who smiles at me and nods his head. Mason leans against the doorway and stuffs his hands in his pockets, before taking his left hand out and handing me a note.

"Happy birthday," He smiles at me. Mason begins to walk away and I just stare at the paper stupidly.

"What's this? Wait!" I start to chase him down the hallway, "Mason! Get back here you son of a-" I almost finish.

"What was that, Skylar?" Mr. Thompson asks, peeping his head out of the classroom.

"Absolutely nothing, sir!"


Lunch comes quickly, and I walk there in a brisk pace, eager to see what my friends have planned for me.

That is unless, they didn't plan anything for me, and where I would respond with, "You self centered bastards," joking the whole way.

I reach the matching peach colored doors, and push them open, revealing the large cafeteria. To the right there is a salad bar, along with the main lunch bar. To the left, there are the vending and soda machines along with a sandwich section. In the center, are 24 large circular blue tables, the first thing you see.

I continue walking to my lunch table, at a near running pace, only slowing down to a stop when I get to the only teal colored lunch table. It is the table closest to the window, with a view of our outdoor eating area.

I look at the people gathered around the table and smile. Mason, whom you already know, is sitting there on the far half of the table to the right. Sitting next to him is my other closest guy friend, Robert.

He has wavy brown hair and grey eyes, with a lanky body and lean, almost not there muscle. Bobby comes off as a complete nerd with a button-up and pocket protectors, along with glasses that have tape on them because Mason has broken them too much when they wrestle, but he is actually really good socially, and aggravatingly strong. All of my friends are stronger than me and it sucks.

On the other half of the table are my two best girlfriends. Faye is rather, how do I put this nicely, unemotional, will long flowing black hair. Her dark brown eyes are mysterious, and she even has perfect, baby pink lips to go with them. Faye is very pretty, it's extremely ego blowing. I mean, how can someone be that cool and aloof, along with that gorgeous? Clearly, the smart gene in her family landed smack on her.

Holly is my other girl best friend, she finishes off our gang. Holly is, for lack of a better word, a saint. Or the closest thing humanly possible to one. She has straight blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes. Holly is a cheerleader, and so she has one of those bodies. She also is unrealistically smart, and very sweet. My life isn't fair.

Me? Well if Faye is the dark, dangerous, and demonic one, and Holly is the attractive, athletic, and all around nice one, then I guess you could call me the academic one.

I am in all AP classes, and have a 4.0. I've been working all my life to get into a top college like Harvard, Cornell, or even Stanford. I do other things besides work. I am in the art club, along with our school magazine, and I love to do stage crew for our school plays. I mean, I'm never in them though. I have a rather narcissistic humor, and tend to overreact in times of crisis. I also have 4 best friends that put up with my annoying antics.

My life is pretty nice, scratch that, my life is awesome.

As I assess my friends position better, I see that their huddled over something, hiding from my eye sight.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all shout, before bending away to reveal a gorgeous cake.

I grin from ear to ear, before I am tackled into a vicious hug by none other than all of my friends. I feel like all the air is being sucked out of my lungs.

"I kinda need oxygen, strangely enough, to oh, I don't know, live!" I gasp out.

"Oh!" They apologize, jumping off of me. Holly pulls out by chair and I sit down, putting my bag on the side.

I grip my throat and rub it, "Also...cake."

"Sounds like Skylar," Mason laughs out, and I glare at him.

"Shut up," I retort, quickly taking a snapshot of the cake, before grabbing a plastic knife. I cut my name out of the Happy Birthday Skylar part, picking the piece up with my hands and shoving as much as possible in my face. Some crumbs fall out of the sides and I hunch over, catching some in my hands before swallowing down the cake. I push the rest down my throat before wiping my mouth and licking my fingers one by one.

I rest my hands on my stomach and let out a satisfied 'ahhhhh,' and look at the guys. They are all staring at me with shocked expressions, Holly's mouth hanging open.

"What?" I snap at them, narrowing my eyes, "Some people have not had breakfast, and were too busy studying for a their AP Stat test yesterday to even touch their dinner."

"Nothing," She says, looking away.

I smile at her, "That's what I thought."

"Skylar, we have something to tell you," Holly breaks through my thoughts.

"What is it?" I ask, wiping my mouth again.

"Well, for your birthday, Holly, you and I are all going to take a trip up to New York City for the weekend!" Faye shouts, looking about as excited as she has ever been.

I gasp, before breaking into the widest smile.

"Best freaking birthday ever!"


Sorry if you don't like it, this is my first try at a werewolf story! I'm so excited!

- nerd

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