Red lips -NSFW-

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Checking one last time that everything was in order, you typed something with your computer, before the stream started.

You checked quickly the followers you had online looking at your newest stream, and it was quite well this time. Over three hundred.

Quick breath of air to your lungs, you looked at the camera, huge smile on your lips.

"Hey everyone is Y/N here! Is nice to know there are over three hundred of yours this time, I hope you enjoy my newest video."

You had your own beauty channel on youtube. You made some makeup and hair tutorials and sometimes videos where you gave some fashion styles to plus size girls.

You had lots of followers who loved your confident, thanking you with messages and comments how you raised a smile to their faces when you gave tips to bigger girls out there.

And that was the whole point of your channel, to reach those girls with low-esteem and help them raise it.

But even you seemed to your followers confident as always, one of this day's topic was out of your comfort zone.

You looked front of you at the table, the products you were gonna use today. That one product laying on your table was something you had barely used.

One by one you grabbed the products you were gonna use in your hands, telling your viewers about it. When you reached your hand and picked that you weren't comfortable at, you bit your cheek before showing it to the camera and those girls (and some boys too) who were looking at you on their screens.


You never wore lipstick.

Some reason it just wasn't your style.

But now the company who gave you those products you used on your videos, send you the lipstick.

You couldn't deny that you were nervous as hell. Ofcourse you practised before choosing to do the live stream, but you were still afraid you gonna blew it off.

"I need to be honest with you guys." - you spoke while looking at the lipstick. "I never wear lipstick, but let's see if after this I will use it." - you smiled, starting to do you eyes, leaving lipstick last.

Sam woke up from the couch, he had fallen asleep there while reading a book. Rubbing his eyes and yawning he looked around, his eyes searching for you.

He sat up, yawning again, putting the book from his lap to the table, before standing up.and heading to the bedroom to see if you were there.

He saw how the door was slightly open so he peeked inside, seeing how you were at your makeup desk, painting your lips.

In red.

He had never saw you wearing a lipstick. And when he looked how you slowly painted those light lips with that deep red color, he couldn't help it when his mind started to fill with images.

Making last straw to your lips, you lifted your eyebrows when you were happy you managed to do them right without making mistakes.

You were about to say something, when someone spoke first next to you.

"I would love to see those pretty red lips wrapping around my cock."

You screamed and jumped, and when you turned to look at your right, first thing what you saw was Sam's huge bulge front of your face inside his jeans.

Your eyes widened from shock, quickly looked up at Sam who had that familiar shit eating smirk on his face, before he moved his hand between his groin, palming himself through the fabric.

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