35- •Joining a team•

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Mike POV-

I can tell Jeremy despises [Name] extremely.. she may have lied about going home but big deal! We need to work together and get along in order to win over Vincent.

I feel sorry for Chica and Foxy. Being tied up like that and all- they already have to put up with Freddy and now they have to watch their backs for a Zombie security guard. At least Foxy payed attention and recognised Jacob; Foxy has always been my favourite, the fact that he's a pirate makes him badarse.

[Name] and I help untie Jacob's prisoners while Jeremy just stood there stubbornly. "Thanks matey" The Fox gives a smile, Chica does the same.

"I have an idea... we should all team up! We've all met Vi- Purple Guy before. Er- except for [Name]... if we join together then we'd surely defeat the villain" I offer ecstatically, I earn quite a few stares from everyone which made me a bit nervous.
"Grow up man. Villain? Seriously, are we five of something??" Jeremy suddenly breaks the silence. Crossing his arms and looking the opposite way.

"Well technically he IS a villain.." [Name] replies to which Jeremy snorts at-

"No one asked for YOUR opinion" His tone biting the air. I can tell he offended [Name] but at least she's more mature to take it lightly.
"God just drop the attitude, okay?" I frustratedly shoot to him.
"Well maybe if she just fucked off- then I wouldn't have to have the 'attitude'. Seriously, she can't be trusted!" Jeremy spits back.

"No more fighting! Jeez you sound like two cats being dragged up a motorway. Arguing isn't gonna solve anything much less with shouting at one another" Foxy interrupts our small fight with wise advice, I look at Jeremy giving him a 'it your fault' look. He scoffs and walks away in a huff-

"Teens.. am I right?" I look at everyone but no one says anything. I choke back a laugh form embarrassment and signal the three to walk with me around the corner. [Name] runs to walk beside me as we exit the kitchen safely-

"Y'know, I like that idea you had back there.. we should team up! But I think it's fitting to notify Gold about this plan" she looked nervously in front of her. I turned but all there was, is a table with a missing chair-
"Sorry.. just got some bad memories" she mumbles quietly.

"Bad memories? Mind if I ask what they are??" I ask her. She looked down and started to rub her arm nervously,

"Well... Freddy lost his cool after seeing me socialising with Chica. He then attacked us and almost killed- thankfully I stopped him from hurting Chica anymore than he had but then he planned on killing me. He a-almost did.." she trails off as tears started to well up in her eyes.
"Hey-hey, hey. it's okay! You don't have to tell me anymore" I instinctively take her into my arms hugging her tightly. She tenses up at dust but soon returns the embrace warmly.

"Thanks Mike" I could hear the smile in her voice as she tightens her hold on me.
"You're welcome" I reply as I rub her back gently to calm her down.

It felt like years of us just standing there hugging each other, being emotional messes and thanking each other countlessly. Before I heard a sound of footsteps behind us, I felt the girl in my arms tense up again- I slowly let go of [Name],

"You okay now?" I whisper to her, she gives me a nod and soon focuses in front of her. Her eyes suddenly filling with fear-
What could-

My thoughts were out to stop when I see two Bear's standing in didn't of us, both of them with shock written all over their forms. Hang on.. I know that Brunette. Freddy!? And there's Gold? What were they doing here...
We all stood there in shock, silence flying around us in the barren atmosphere.

{MY NIGHTMARE} 🎩Human Golden Freddy x Reader🎩 [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now