chapter 2

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Anastasiya pov on

Okay .... I'm alive, it's dark !!! I'm blind !!!! ....

Oh no, my eyes are closed ...

I slowly open my eyes tried to get used to the light

"where I am ? "

I look around and it seems I'm in a forest, all I see are trees ... or else I need glasses and after all I'm looking at the bulor under the bed ... no, of course not, I do not have bulor under the bed

"ohhh a rabbit," I say softly as I call him with his hand to the foot of me

A white baby bunny is smelling my hand, how cute !!!

"You're cute, are not you? Come on, you keep me company while I try to figure out where I've been going"

Cristina pov on

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How the hell did I get inside a lake?!?!? I thought I was going to die drowning !!! I do not believe !!! Anastasiya witchcraft worked !!!

"Is everything alright dear?" An old woman asked me.

"No," I tell you the obvious.

"Oh my love, you're all wet, come on, my house is not far away, you can dry yourself and your clothes, I'll lend you my daughter's clothes," the elderly woman answers with a smile.

"Oh yeah, thank you, thank you," Cristina says a little confused by the sympathy

Anastasiya pov on

"NO JENNIFER" Anastasiya screams in panic "no, it can not be ... t-you were everything for me, I, I can not live without you (start crying) please, do not leave me" he says while holding hands the white rabbit found 5 minutes ago, but now this one has a red spot on the chest

"I do not know what I'm going to do without you," she whispers as she squeezes him harder, causing him to push her to try to get out of the grip "ah ... you're alive ... a miracle happened !!!", screams raising both hands to the air

The rabbit comes out of my grip and jumps into a bush with berries and begins to eat them

"I thought you were dead, Jennifer!" she shouts excitedly, scaring the rabbit who ran away soon after "no! Wait! I've already emotionally clung to you !! You can not leave me. Okay, you can go, it's not like I want to be with you !! " fills her cheeks and turns her face away as if she were making a child's tantrum

I turn to the side and I see some kind of village

"My impression or did I go back in time? ... I'm a very good witch !! The trick was not even for that!" I say standing up and starting to walk to the people

I walk the streets while I watch my surroundings, there are children running, women and men selling their products, it seems that they are technologically and economically backward, there is neither a technological device in the surroundings and the clothes and states of the houses I do not think this is a very rich place, they use notes to market, however they are different from the ones I'm used to seeing, or they are not, my money is not worth anything here, it's going to be a bit difficult to get supplies. I can always get a job, but for this I would have to stay momentarily in a single place that would disfavor me, after all I need to find out where I am and I still have to find Cristina who may well not be very far away, how can she be in a country or continent.

"Oh, sorry, sir?" I call a man who passes by me

"Is there a problem, girl?" She asks, stopping and looking me up and down.

the Light of the dark حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن