chapter 3

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Anastasiya pov on

Okay, so ... it looks like I'm going to meet royalty ... or else they will not even look at me and just throw me into the dungeons or else cut my head off! ! I like to see guillotines working but I do not like being in one !! Now I'm being taken by some five guards to the 'castle' and on top of my head is the black-haired boy flying, I do not think they're very surprised, so I guess this is not so abnormal , so far he is the first person I see doing magic, so probably some can not do it. I believe in magic, but I myself have never been able to do it, what I do can be counted as that but it is still completely different, my world is devoid of any magical essence, so far I have not been able to understand why, the only way to to assess is by divine rituals and sacrifices to God and it is almost never physical, as it is not possible to create fire or water, to fly or to move on objects from afar, I can put spirits or go beyond the veil, I can make potions and this , but it does not have much to do with magic, it's more herbology, anyway it's also something a witch should know how to do, but flying and so easily is something practically impossible in our world if there is no resentor, so I should suppose that here the flow is really great, giving the possibility to use magic to the people this is really impressive, and if it is really true it means that I will be able to use mine physically also, I already how much I'm trying but even knowing all the color spells I just can not do them, maybe if I try to do it here I could get results

"If you do not do it, I can not kill you, you know?" Says the boy with black hair to anastasiya

"I do not understand thousand sorys" anastasiya answers while trying not to laugh

"What are you saying? Are you kidding me?" The boy responds as he struggles not to kill his toy

"No no Sir dats no true" anastasiya continues to enjoy

Do not you understand what I say? Here, you son of a bitch !!! I can not even understand what the hell I'm saying !! While I'm talking bad English done you have no way to get me information or know what I'm saying !! Now that I think about it, the language they speak is unfamiliar to me, but I can understand it and it seems that it is probably a side effect of the spell, so I probably can not understand their writing ... NOT like I will read ?!??!

"Hey, are you listening to me?!?!" Shouts the boy

"High Priest should not waste his time with such scum" says one of the guards

"I asked you something?" Shouts the priest to the guard

Priest? He does not strike me as a good person, let alone a pure one.

"So you have an animal name?" Asks the priest in debox

Inspira breathe Inspira breathe

"Anastasiya" I answer

"Then you can understand what I'm saying," he says with a smile.


"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I honestly sound like an idiot.

"It's not worth the rukh your back shows everything" continues to get on the nerves of the anastasiya

Rukh? The white birds? So is this thing their flow? I thought I was hallucinating! !! those around me are white, but his back is black

"You have a very strange outfit you know? I do not remember seeing anything like this anywhere"

"New style, cool no?" Anastasiya says beginning to curse herself for not having changed

"Well, that's not my problem, that the kouen will deal with you," the priest says with a gloomy look.

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