(1) Piliot

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Kylie hurry up your going to be late for the annual church bash! Okay mom jeez! I'm getting up
hate getting out of bed because it's... so..... hard the stress the effort I call that insanity, but today is a special day because at our church we have a 5-day annual bash at our church I mean it's pretty cool hanging with friends and learning the word of God. Sounds like fun to me!

As I get dressed I keep thinking of my crush, Lee Branson he is so dreamy you won't even believe. His hair is like black licorice, is abs are like steel, and he reminds me of cotton candy because he's so sweet! I'm also really hungry so. All I could think about on the drive there was Lee. When we finally got there I couldn't stop thinking about not look like a fool in front of Lee. I have such a great life!

• • •
"Oh hey Kylie how ya been? Are you and lee a think now?" Will you shut up faith! If you didn't know. Faith is one of my best friends she is always saying me and lee should hook up all the time! "Sometimes I feel like you jus-" " oh hey Kylie I was looking for you, but I didn't see you. There he was lee Branson, my crush the one and only. Oh hey how's it's going? Good hey come sit with me I have a sea- " "Lee hey come here and sit by me so I can pinch and have a little fun!" Okay I'm coming! Never mind kylie it's cool.

That little witch! Faith says with anger. I can't believe she did that! That little witch was Claire Thompson she is always flirting with lee, but she has a boyfriend. Me and her are friends, but when it comes to Lee all hell brake loose. Kylie what you need to do is show Claire that's Lee is yours. Chill out faith Lee is not mine. He not Claire's either faith says violently. "Yeah"my OTHER friend Ryan says. look at Claire over ther flirting with Lee. Touching his muscles and stuff. Go ask him out before it's too late Ryan says as faith nods with agreement.

You guys need to chill I'm not asking him out and I'm not going to let Claire ruin my day just because she wants to be a hoe. Okay guys it's time. Let's go get a seat. During the whole speech about how great the bash is I couldn't stop thing about Lee. It's like I am in lov- "hey Kylie I need to talk to you it's important". What is it lee?

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