(4) Best beach party!

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Okay Kylie are you ready to rock lee's World? Faith says. "Whatever." I say when really in my head I want to say "more than anything in the world"! Okay then go and strut your stuff. As we walk in I feel like Jennifer Aniston in " just go with it". It's like I'm in fast motion but it looks like I'm going in slow motion. Everyone is staring at me except lee and Claire because there taking, but when I fake cough to get there attention they see me and lee jaw isn't dropped, but he looks like he has to fart as he bites his lip. Claire just looks at me in disgust, like I hoped! Lee approaches me. " oh hi Kylie you look... boobs.... I mean! Stunning." "Thanks lee." Did he really just mistakenly say boobs? " I need some beer" as I run to the beer I Trip and lee goes down with me. Now my Butt is in his face ( that wasn't covered either in the swimsuit) Oh my gosh lee! I'm so sorry. As I get up I'm kinda confused cause when I look down his private area is like shaping? Like I can see it though his shorts? I dont know what's going on though? "Is something wrong with your pants" I ask. As soon as he looks down he covers up his area with his hand and runs away. I have no idea what just happened. "Kylie you okay"? Ryan asked. Oh yeah the weirdest thing happend. Let's stop for a minute. Let's stop this part of the story to see what lee is doing. Oh my gosh! I can't believe that just happened! It was actually qu- oh hey lee! Claire approaches. I was looking for you, sexy. Sexy! Lee says Is that what you think I am? "Oh yeah look at that body. It's so hot. Also your round, plump lips 👄." She goes to kiss me and I try to pull away, but she's holding me down. She also needs kissing lessons. "Get off me I try to say"! Someone help I say in my mind. That's what that means I say in amusement. You didn't know that? Says Ryan. No not at all! I should go find him I say in whisper. I'll come with you! We run to lee when we she the unthinkable. IS THAT LEE AND CLAIRE!!!! "Get off him now"! I say in frustration. What the hell is going on! She kissed me Kylie I swear! "please lee you wanted to me to kiss you. After you told me kylie embarrassed you". Claire says. I never said that. Kyle! She's lying! Oh yeah why did you make me go buy a condom. She pulls it out of her pocket and I nearly die. Your so stupid lee! I say. I don't want anything to do with you! You disgust me. I cry and walk off. No Kylie wait! I don't want to hear it lee enough of your excuses! Get the heck away fro- IS.... THIS...... REAl. Lee is kissing me!!!!

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