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The exterior of the mansion gave a sinister vibe to any passerby, almost as if there was a horrid backstory to its past. They were dealing with a serial killer, so....... it might still be admissible, they figured.

Maybe dozens, hundreds of corpses stashed away within its walls. Spirits of those innocent victims that might have fell prey to the madman residing in his fortress of torture, probably doomed to forever roam those halls. A big 'if' that is, if he actually continued to claim lives after his retreating to his new palatial crib.

The front gate was ancient; rusting in the padlock, discolouration to the edges. "It's locked......., whats the plan? Maybe vault over it?" Jessica questioned as she fiddled with the iron-clad padlock. Before anyone could say anything else, "Wait....... what about our payment?" Drake interrupted in.

It was a rather selfish and inappropriate gesture he thought, but the time seemed fitting enough. "Not to be rude and all but this contact person is most likely d-dead............." he spoke out, inhaling large volumes of air and hyperventilated extravagantly. Jessica took his hand and told him to breathe. "In,.... out and ready? Once more in,..... out. Drake, stay with me... Ok?"

"I admit, what we have as of now is pretty thin. You're right, its only a 50% probability that he's dead or alive....., we have to at least try! We can't just leave him here to die!! I can't have that man's life on my conscience. Can you?" Greg said objectively, his voice turned stern. "...........Alright, fine...... Lets do it." Drake replied on a whim. "Then what are you waiting for!!?" Jessica shouted enthusiastically, climbing over the gate.

Between the three of them, Jessica was the most athletic, managing to climb past it in just a few seconds. The second would be Greg and then finally Drake, who evidently struggled the most, failing to get a proper grip twice. The main door was designed splendidly, carvings of what seemed like greek mythology; minotaurs if Greg was not mistaken. Even the walls felt like they could literally talk, being in a dilapidated state as it was. The garden however, was properly tended to... You would think that a serial killer who was always hardly seen perhaps enjoyed another hobby that matched his twisted personality than having a prized, zen garden. "I guess he's a vegetarian, thank god he's not a cannibal then." said Jessica, slapping her thigh, for comic relief. Her friends couldn't help but laugh for a second, hoping it was true.

"Come on, come on!!" Jessica hissed frustratedly, kicking the steel door. "I could pry open the door in twenty seconds but unfortunately...... we can't have any more 'breaking and entering' charges on our portfolio." Greg told them in a let down tone, albeit with a hint of relief. That was a crystal clear giveaway that anymore involvements were surely gonna drag us to hell." suggested Drake, to try to slap some sense into his two colleagues. Jessica was swamped by the ravaging of the door and Greg was typing something on his laptop. Unfortunately, no one heard his outcry.

"What should we do Drake? Place is shut, we're trying to keep low from legal disputes and all..."Jessica layed out the facts. "I guess we should go." Drake told them bluntly. For a split second, he felt something watching them from behind the garden and as he turned around, there was nothing but his eyes playing trick. He was determinded to ignore it at first and ready to leave, but as Jessica gave one last waist-high kick, a loud creak sounded from the door behind them and told him the contrary.

The door had been opened.......... Jessica confessed "I don't think t-that was me."
For a while, there was a recognizable scent of pine and blood mixed into the atmosphere. Drake usually being the scaredy-cat he was, nontheless was the first to go in. Jessica and Greg both walked hand-in hand, cross examining the insides.

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." was all that sprung into mind, as he glanced quicky at the evil structure from the inside, undoubtedly regretting in advance while Greg closed the door behind them, causing a unnerving slam. "Ooops, didn't think it was gonna be THAT loud." Greg admitted it was his bad. "I-i-its loc..... Locked!!" No knob or anything." Drake whimpered, pawing at the steel entrance.

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