Close Call

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"Stay with me........... I'll g-g-get you home safely ok?" I reassured the kid, holding onto the ledge of the cliff that had collapsed from the poor soil structure. "Mister, just let me go, otherwise......... we'll both fall." The child cried out, gradually loosening his grip with every second that passed.

Drake thought miserably in his head,"Somehow, this fits that scenario....... I wonder if he m-" distracted by the shadow that approached the door. Drake hurriedly regained balance, got on his feet and wiped the blood off himself with the blanket that was on the bed. He tried hiding, making the least noise as possible under the bed, but there was no space. The closet was full as well, and the curtains were glued to the wall. Who does that?! He cried, he grasped his head whole.

"Are you awake sire?" He asked politely, knocking on my door in a gentle manner. I didn't know whether to answer or not........ I mean, what should you even say being a trespasser to a supposed killer who knocked me out? 'Umm much appreciated, I'll be right out?' Its bullocks. "Dinner will be served soon sire....... The banquet hall is just down the hallway." he told Drake softly as his shadow diminished up to the point of disappearing.

"Dinner? Really?? I don't think so......." he muttered angrily, furious from the so-called dining invitation. "But.... either way, I have no idea how to get out. Not to mention where I was as of this moment. I'll tag along for dinner, see what I can find out." he said confidently with his foolproof plan. Another voice inside him contradicted him, "But we know just how far plans can go right." he expressed a slight whimper.

Drake slowly opened the door and peered across the empty, well-lit hallway but there was no one around. He carefully stepped out and looked in the other direction, there was only a wall to greet him. It seemed that his room was situated at the furthest end, making any escape nearly impossible. So........... the butler was indeed expecting him.

Drake walked along the hallway hesitantly, worried at the thought that he would be ambushed anytime. "Well.... if he wanted to kill me, he would've done so as soon as he caught me. Yes, that has to be it." Drake comforted himself sadly, though it would've been much more effective coming from someone else.

The hallway was surprisingly empty for a mansion, only old stuffed dolls childishly arranged onto one corner with their backs facing Drake as he went past. After a while, he could hear echos,....... more like wails from the hallway. I picked up the pace only to find a phonograph playing on a questionable side table, but the record was broken, left to replay over and over again. Were these the past inhabitants' torture wails?? What a messed up individual!!

It grew darker and darker, the further Drake traveled up to the point where everything became pitch black. Tiny glimmers of light started appearing from ahead of me and he ran towards it without thinking twice. He stopped however, the moment he spotted the same figure that abducted him holding a dish........ how could he have forgotten? Drake took a few steps and he was then in the dining hall, the butler exclaimed excitedly, setting it down graciously with napkin around his left sleeve. "We were waiting for you sire!" We? Who did he meant by we?? Drake wondered, puzzled by the butler's choice of words.

"Drake.........." said two familiar voices from the other side of the table, getting up as they saw him. "Jessica..... Greg....., thank god you're alright." Drake hurriedly approached them. "I could say the same too!" We were worried sick!" Jessica whispered gravely, hugging me. "H-h-h-hey we're together n-now right?" Drake reassured her, his cheeks blushing beat red.

The butler then interrupted, "Daniel Druskin..... do you remember the name?" sharpening his knife as he sliced the fruits accurately and with speed. Greg slammed his hands on the table saying, "That's our client!! Where is he??" The other two began to outstay their welcome, standing up from their seats, worried as to the predicament of their client. "I'm afraid he's no longer reachable..... you see he's sort of everywhere. But lets just say he is in this room with us right now." he chuckled hard and wielding his knife along crazily looking at the questionable meat for dinner.

"You sick bastard!!" Greg ran into him preemptively and tackled him down. He then followed up with two consecutive punches, both landing on the butler's face. Jessica and Drake quickly pulled him away, seizing the knife from the butler as well.

"Lets go!! GO!" Drake ordered them, running up the stairs that led to the second floor. He constantly stopped to look left and right, wondering which way to go next for every fork that we came across. The three of them were completely distraught, the dinner back there was just to show that nobody gets away for messing with him. They were completely under his control,  one wrong move or disobedience meant death.....

"I think this should be far enough......" Jessica sighed, catching her breath. "Why did you stop me? I could have had him!!" Greg complained, his voice sounded hurt and angry at the same time. "This ISN'T a game Greg! If you were stabbed back there, its OVER...... no retries or continues!" Drake answered back with conviction, his fist pounding the wall.

"......................" Greg turned speechless and just let out a nod. Jessica, who was busy scouting ahead as the trio had their conversation, alarmed them that someone was showing up.

This was just the first close call. Although the friends were reunited, they were still trapped like rats in this giant cage. Puppets in the butler's twisted little production wanting to seize the light of day. Where will this take them next??

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