Perfect Storm

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Everyone stood still, dreaded by the impending tragedy............ Drake could hear the uncanny footsteps that the butler made; they were heavy and distinct, yet slightly subtle. There was a momentary silence before each step that made it all the more recognizable. "Guys, I don't know how.... but he found us. We need to go!" Jessica whispered, tiptoeing to us hastily.

Drake was a little skeptical. What was he to do? He was sort of the realist in our group. If you think about it logically......... he really doubt that they could survive even for another hour without getting butchered in here. Again, no one had listened to him, not that it would have made them feel better. Without realizing, Drake was the only one left staring in space while the two had already found a room that was vacated. Greg quickly turned back and dragged him along, making a face as he did so.

It was dark, silent and cold. Nothing that stood out as a sanctuary, there were old books and newspaper clippings. Aside from that, only dust and cobwebs remained faithful inhabitants. Being as run-down and quiet as it was, one can only imagine the state of the past occupants would have been.

Every step was a boom from a sub-woofer. Jessica could hear weird mumbling as he walked past their door. Jessica added,"I think he's g-" before his footsteps paused and resumed immediately with a rapid dash into their room, catching them by surprise. Jessica, who was standing behind the door was knocked backwards to the floor, her head hit the wall.

"The aroma of youth........ How could I've missed it!!" exclaimed the butler sadistically, his knife slitting his wrists. "Th-thats just SICK!!" Drake expressed in disgust, his hands wrapped around his body. "This WILL BE F.U.N!" He spelled out the word diabolically as he shut the door tightly, miming to lock the door from the inside and then swallowing the key.

The butler seemed to forget Jessica, who was still on the floor. She quietly rose up and piggybacked onto his body, dropping his knife as he was ambushed. They engaged in a short struggle which ended when the butler managed to throw her to the wall. Drake was still there, legs shaking and pupils dilating. Greg hurriedly reached for the knife first just as the butler was going to and held it out to him. "You're going to tell us exactly where the exit is...." Greg threatened the butler, his knife gripped firmly in hand.

"You really think this is my first fight?" chuckled the butler hysterically. He went on, "I've been in tons!! I know when to surrender and when to-" he paused as he stole the knife from Greg in a surge and ended with a quick swipe that slipped our sights and he resumed, "-RETALIATE......."

Greg coughed out blood, moments after the butler released him, revealing his stab wound as he fell to the ground, lying lifelessly. His crimson blood soaking up the floor. "Greg..........." Jessica spoke out softly. "One down, two more to go.... Now who's next?!" he asked eagerly, licking the stain of the blade.

Drake was too scared to even say his name......... "That could have been me.. God knows, I was the one standing closer to the knife. Its all my fault............." Drake utter in regret, sobbing momentarily. The nightmare was brewing, how could they get out of this one unscathed?? Or perhaps hold off until hope makes its way to them? Only time will tell.

Strangers: ConsequencesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя