New Friend and Exam

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After end the orientation,

The student will start the lesson of period.

They will study in class.

Taeyeon, as usual choose the forward seat. But ! All the girls choose the back seat. And only her at the front. She feel so nervous. Because scared if really she will seat at there alone.

Suddenly there's a girl come in and asked Taeyeon.

"Err... Is theres someone seat here?"

"No... Just seat.."

"Oh thank you" *smile*

Taeyeon with nervously try to asked the girl what is her name.

"Err.... W-what is y-your n-name?"

"Soonkyu , Lee Soonkyu and you?"

"Taeyeon, Kim Taeyeon"

"Oh , nice to meet ya" *give hand*



Thank God ! Finally theres someone seat beside me.

I thought i will seat here alone T-T

She looks a kind and friendly girl. Glad to meet her.

And the Teacher come in and introduce herself. Usually they not start study in a few days. Because they will have a conversation with all student in class to get along with each other.

And as usual , to get know with each other. They must start with~ telling about your biodata .


Ugh !

I'm really hate this !

It just too embarassing to talked about my biodata.

Especially when it comes about ambition.

To be truth i don't have any ambition

I never know what i should be when i grow up. And all the ambition that i told to the teacher , of course it's all just a lied.

Then the teacher start to asked about their biodata one by one. Theres a student makes a jokes about his biodata. And make all the students laugh. Taeyeon just smiled as listen to his jokes.

After a few days,

She slowly got more friends. But she now only have 3 best friend that always stick with her wherever they go.

It was Sooyoung,  Soonkyu, And Hyoyeon.

Everyone already know this 4 best friend. This gang always stick together like a 'glue'.

Taeyeon also feel more happy to have friend like them. All the nervousness before, it's now gone. She become more friendly. And she also have a guys friend. She now can be close with anyone.

And also time past so fast,

After a few months,

They will have exam. And the result of the exam will replaced them which class they will stay.

All the student feel so nervous, since this exam been told would be hard. So they really need to study hard if want to get a better result go to upper class.

On the exam day,

They really been focus on the exam. All the student try really hard to get a great result. Especially Taeyeon, she know if she got bad result. Her parents would be really mad. And her phone?

Pfft,  they will take it -_-

After a week, 

The exam is all end.

All the student release a relieved sighed since the exam is now end.


They also feel nervous because they still didn't know how the result is going.

Sooyoung:  "yaaa~~ eotteohkae, I'm really nervous now. What if we couldn't get a same classes?"

Soonkyu: "Come on~ let's just be chill okay? We already had tried our best right? Just pray we will get a great result And get a same class together"

Hyoyeon: "yes,  Soonkyu is right. Let's  just be calm.."

Sooyoung: "But I didn't do well on exam. My brain is like a bomb that would explode anytime"

Taeyeon: "haha don't be like that. I know you had done your best on exam. We all did our best right? Whatever the result is just let be grateful okay?"

Sooyoung: "you are clever so you dont need to worry about it. but I'm not. my dad will kill me if my result is bad ToT"

Taeyeon: "hey -_-

who say I'm clever? You think I'm not nervous about the result? my parents also the same. If my result got bad they will take my phone.


Living without a phone even just one day like a hell for me -_-"

Sooyoung: "ugh ya whatever..."

Hyoyeon: "okay okay now! Let's just forget about this and just hope we will get into the same class"

Sooyoung & Taeyeon: "arasseo..."

They all now just give up. And just try to be calm whatever the result is. Hopefully they will got a great result and can get into the same class just like they hoping from.

The nervousness will be continue tomorrow.


-Shaz: hello~ sorry if this fanfic a little bit slow. hoho. but i will try to skip a bit part hehe. btw i still hope you guys will enjoy this fanfic so far ~>_<

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