Lost Chances

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Before i start~ I want to thanks to

@baekhyun-eyeliner @fordorky @exotaeng427 @BaekYeon_Stan and @kim_taeyeonMAY30 for added this fanfic to your reading list ^^

And also thanks to @clawnia and @hunhan_xoxo for voted this fanfic.

Hope more people will vote and read my fanfic ~ ✌

Now start the fanfic


Taeyeon is now been TAKEN by someone.

She had a boyfriend. Her 1st boyfriend in that school.


A few days ago~

Her friend,  SoonKyu is actually like a boy beside her. But she don't know how to make some interaction with him. So she asked for Taeyeon.

SoonKyu : Taeyeon ah.  Let's talk with him? Please~

Taeyeon: ah waeyo??  I don't want. You go talk to him first.

SoonKyu: Ah~~ *aegyo*

Taeyeon just avoid that aegyo. She won't fall for it.

So when SoonKyu realize her technique isn't work on Taeyeon. With all her strength she try to talk with that boy.

SoonKyu : hi!

Boy: h-hi..

SoonKyu : what's your name?

Boy: Lee Myungsoo

SoonKyu : oh me Lee SoonKyu ^^ Nice to mee you

Boy: y-yeah me too

After a few days, Taeyeon,  SoonKyu and Myungsoo become closer. They are now like best friends.

Even sometimes they fought each other but then get back.

Suddenly SoonKyu thought that Taeyeon like Myungsoo so she asked her.

SoonKyu : Taeyeon ah, what do you thought abt Myungsoo?

Taeyeon : Mmm~~ not bad. Well he cute.

Taeyeon said that calmly. But SoonKyu thought as something else. So she said this to Myungsoo.

SoonKyu : Myungsoo ya! 

Myungsoo : Mwo?

SoonKyu : did u know?  Taeyeon actually likes you~~~

Myungsoo : huh???  o.o

SoonKyu : aigooo~~~ she likes you~~ why don't you asked her out?  To be your girlfriend?

Myungsoo : what??  But-

SoonKyu : no but okay?  Please~ I'm sure she would be happy.

Myungsoo : O-okay

But actually SoonKyu didn't know what they think.


"Taeyeon likes you~"

And I'm just like "huh? "

To be truth i don't know what kind of reaction should i give. Because i don't like her.

But if i rejected it. She must be dissapointed.

Ah....  I guess i don't have a choice.

So then Myungsoo decided. He said through SoonKyu.

Myungsoo : Hey! 

SoonKyu : yup?

Myungsoo : Said to Taeyeon. Will she likes to be my girlfriend?


Myungsoo : Don't be so loud!  Mm..  Yes

SoonKyu : oh sorry hehe. That's a great idea!  She will be happy! OMG thank you Myungsoo ah~

He just smiled even he actually pretend like he likes Taeyeon when he actually not.

SoonKyu : Taeyeon ah~~~

Taeyeon : Ddo wae? (what else)

SoonKyu : Hehe~~ You want to know somehing?

Taeyeon : what?

SoonKyu : Myungsoo ~~ asked you~ to be his girlfriend ~~~~

Taeyeon : WHAT?!! O.O You kidding right?

SoonKyu : Ah!  You suprised me!  *hit taeyeon* No!  I'm not kidding. I'm serious. He asked you out.

Taeyeon : Is that mean he likes me?!

SoonKyu : Yes you idiot!  Omg you so happy right? So you will accept him right?

Taeyeon : I-I don't know.

SoonKyu : Oh come on~ he likes you~ just accept him

Taeyeon : Err.....  Okay then..

SoonKyu : Yeppee~~~ I'm gonna tell him right away.

But actually Taeyeon also.


"Myungsoo asked you to be his girlfriend!!"

I'm like "WHAT?!" I don't know rather i should be happy or not.

Because i don't like him!  Ah..  It must because of SoonKyu. Just i said he cute then SoonKyu thought i like him brrr

But. I guess Myungsoo is really like me?  Then....  I guess should just accept him. I don't like if he show his dissapointed face when i rejected him.

And yes!  That's actually what happen. But SoonKyu mistake it. She thought that this both was like each other. But actually not at all.

And meanwhile SoonKyu thought is.


It's a good thing right if i do this.
Well they like each other.

Even... I like Myungsoo but...
Taeyeon happiness is more important for me..

Do something that can make your friends happy it's a good thing right.

Well they also look suit together.

Gwaenchanha Soonkyu.. You will find someone else. Better than Myungsoo..

Yep! So let's not be sad (^^)

And after a week, 

This news had been known by everyone in class. Since they also looks like been obviously had something. Pffft.

And also to Byun Baekhyun gangs. Well their gangs not too close to Taeyeon. So they didn't mind about it.

But for Baekhyun... He kind irritated of that news.


She already taken huh?

Damn it.

I thought i could get her first.

Who's that lucky guy?

That guy make me lost chance.

Better just wait. Then I gonna take her back.


-shaz: hello~ too long didn't update right?  Haha mianhaeyo~ I was forgetful  . So i didn't remember about this fanfic .
Btw who BaekYeon shipper here?  ^^

And one more thing this is my 2nd fanfic please read my first fanfic. About Seohyun and Chen the title is CAFE LOVE ^^

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