The Compound

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This place

This healing place

Is located north of the capital

In the middle of nowhere

In the woods

The lake

Are divine

The compound

Is composed

Of 3 general buildings

Where people live

One of which

Has all of the treatments

This central building

Also has the dining halls

And an indoor pool

Smaller buildings

As well as sitting huts

Scatter the property

The wooded area is vast

Though walking is allowed

One must be mindful of ticks

So proper attire is necessary

Or just stay on the pathways

Of decorated cobblestones

There are many leisurely activities

For people who do not

Require treatment

But come here to rest

There are many kids

I tend to err towards

The quiet unless there is

Someone to talk to

I can only say so much

To my mom

Sitting in your room

When the weather is nice

Isn't optimal

The fresh air is superb

Breakfast is at 8:30 am

Lunch at 1 pm

Dinner at 7 pm

Procedures and R&R

In between as well as after

We got here the 13th

And leave the 27th

Today is only the 16th

So much to do still

The journey



Shall continue

Onward until our

Flight home on the 31st

Walking Forward to the Beginning (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now