Becoming One with the Plane

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I have had

Too much energy

Streaming through me

Which to a healer

Isn't a good thing

I get dizzy and hot

My hands that have

Heat come out of them

On the regular

Were scorching

The 2.5-hour flight

From Minsk to Paris

Was uneventful

Until the captain

Came on to tell us

About turbulence

That's when I decided

To try something

I needed to meditate anyways

Had to evict the abundance

Of energy out of my body

So I decided

To try

Becoming one with the plane

To stop the turbulence

I imagined that

I was the plane

In a cloud

But I was unaffected

By the shaking

I felt every time

I concentrated

The plane flew well

But once my concentration broke

The wind took over again

I was able to channel

My scorchfest

Into the fiberglass behemoth

And it worked

If only for a little while

I don't plan on

Using my energy

For those massive tasks

Each time

But it was good

To release

Now I just have to

Figure out

How to heal others

In order to distribute

My energy properly

Any volunteers?

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