Jonah x Daniel

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a/n: Here's some Daniel x Jonah!

Daniels POV

"Hey Jonah," I say. Today's the one day I get some alone time with him. And maybe the day I tell him that I like him.

I walk into Jonah's large apartment room. He's sitting on a huge leather couch parked right in front of the tv. A widespread fleece blanket is covering his body.

"Hey Dani." Jonah yawns, then motions for me to come sit next to him on his couch.

"What's up?" I say as I take my seat and kick my shoes off.

"We're watching a movie," he states. I shrug my shoulders. He must be pretty tired if all he wants to do today is watch a movie.

"Sounds good," I say. Jonah tosses the end of his blanket over my feet. I reach down and pull it up around me, snuggling closer to Jonah. By now I've noticed that underneath the blanket, he's hiding his shirtless abdomen. I blush slightly.

The movie starts. It's a comedy about a guy and a girl. A guy and a girl... or another guy. I can't help it. I start imagining me and Jonah as the main characters. I laugh at the idea of Jonah wearing the girl's dress, and then look over to see if he noticed why I was laughing. Luckily, a funny part of the movie was happening, and he laughed too.

Then I started thinking about how cute his laugh was, and I got lost in my thoughts.

Apparently Jonah chose a long movie, and the next time I looked over at him, he's clinging to my waist. His eyes are closed and his breathing is slow and soft. He seriously fell asleep!?

By now I'm sure I'm blushing a thousand shades of red. Jonah doesn't seem to notice (he's too deep in his sleep), so we just lay on his couch for a few hours. The movie is over, but he's still using me as a human pillow. I glance down at him. His face is peaceful and relaxed. Looking at him, I can't help but want to touch his hair. So I do. I tangle it in my fingers and massage his scalp. Now his eyebrows are calling to me. What the heck?! What am I thinking!? I choose to ignore my other thoughts and just go for it. I mean, c'mon. Those eyebrows are huge! I just want to pet them. Just a little. But as I reach for his face, Jonah's hand shoots up and grabs my hand.

"Daniel," he growls.

"Y-yeah?" I squeak.

"If you're gonna play with my hair, do it. But don't wake me up again." I nod my head in response. A minute passes. Maybe longer.

Then Jonah bursts out, "Dang it Daniel now I can't sleep!"

So now we're staring into each others eyes. His are angry from me waking him up. Then they slowly change to lustful. Wait. Lustful?! This is starting to feel more romantic... Suddenly he grabs my face and pulls me in for a sloppy kiss. A kiss?! Hells yeahs! His lips taste like cherry chapstick. Too soon he pulls away. Now we're both blushing.

"J-just go back to doing my hair," he says. I can tell he's unsure about what he just did, but I know that I want more. I am not letting him get out of this that easily!

"No. I'm not letting that one slide." I smirk and quickly position myself over his broad frame. Before I can second guess myself, I smash his lips against mine. He pulls me closer and deepens the kiss. Next thing you know, we're both shirtless and swaddled in blankets, still laying on the couch. I don't know how much time has passed, but I don't care. Then a thought crosses my mind.

"Wait." I sit up straight. "Does this mean you, um, like me?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes, you dummy!" Jonah exclaims with a sigh.

"Good. Cause I like you too." With one last kiss, we lay next to each other, completely content with our current position.

a/n: EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee! I was literally screaming over my own writing! I hope you guys enjoyed this, because I sure did! 

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