Zach x Jack

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a/n: another jack x zach. Just cuz they're my favorite! <3

P.s. this is based off wdw's song, "Hard"!

P.p.s. I don't hate Gabbie. This was just an idea... plz no hate thx!!

Zach's POV

It's hard to act like I don't think about him sometimes. Especially now. It's my birthday, and we're nearing the end of the night. Daniel, Jonah, and Corbyn have already left. Now it's just Jack, Gabbie, and some other people. But Jack is the only one I can see right now. The others are there, they're just not as important. The reason I can't stop thinking about Jack is because of him and Gabbie. They've been dating for awhile now. She hasn't hurt him, not yet. But when she does (and I know she will), I'll be there for Jack.

I walk over to where Jack and Gabbie are standing. But just before I step into conversation, I hear Jacks voice. He sounds broken. Like something bad just happened. His voice is hushed, and has cracks in it. Then Gabbie's voice comes. It's hard and cold.

"I'm sorry Jack. I just don't need you anymore." then she turns on her heel and walks away and out my front door. Now it's only Jack and me. The rest of the party left. Only Jack and me... the words echo in my head. But for now, I just need to be there for him.

"Zach..." Jack turns to me, hurt evident in his eyes. His voice breaks and then the tears start to come.

"Oh Jack. What happened?"

"Sh-she said she d-didn't need me anymore." Now he's sobbing, leaning into me as if I'm the only thing holding him up.

We sit on my couch and I try my best to comfort him. His tears keep coming, and his silent sobs shake his shoulders. I'm holding him together. He needs me right now.

"She just left me, Zach." He sits up.

"She said she didn't need me. If she doesn't need me, who does?" He starts crying again, this time softer.

"Jack. Look at me. Do you love her?"

"I-I thought I did, but now I don't know. Is it possible for my heart to hurt so much over someone I didn't love? You heard what she said. She doesn't need me. No one does."

"Jack, that's a complete lie. I need you, the band needs you, your family needs you. Just because one person doesn't need you doesn't mean the rest of us don't." I can't believe he would think that we didn't need him! Even if the entire world hates him, I would still be in love with him.

"Thanks Zachy," he whispers. Then he lays his head on my shoulder. We're both quiet for the moment. I never thought much about love until I met Jack. He made me want to kiss him and hold him. I never felt that way before him. So now, when Gabbie just broke it off with him, I feel like I should tell him how I feel. But I know that's not what he needs right at the moment. He needs someone to comfort him, to like a piece of tape and keep him together when he just wants to fall apart. Another minute passes before either of us speak again.

"You know what?" He suddenly exclaims. I shake my head.

"I'm going to call her! I'll get her back." There's a fiery determination in his eyes. But I don't share his excitement. I force out a, "Great!" And smile as he walks out my door. How can he be over it that quick? Doesn't he know how hard it is to fix him, then see him run back to the girl who just broke his heart? It stings. I shouldn't have harbored that hope. It only turned out to be false. It's so hard to be his friend right now. All I want to do is tell him I love him, that I'll be there for him. But he runs off to his ex-girlfriend instead.

To drown out my sorrows, I turn on my radio. All I can find his songs that are joyful and sound happy. How am I supposed to sing along to happy songs, when inside, I'm broken! It's just too hard.

I text Zach, "how're you and Gabbie doing?" Even though I don't care for her, I care for him. I want to know if I will ever have a chance with him.

"Bad" he responds. "I ended up blocking her number. Can I call you instead?" I say yes, of course. We talk about how he'll just give her some distance, then see if she'll talk to him. I secretly hope she doesn't, just so I can snatch Jack up instead. But I know he'll probably end up running back to her.

This is great. He's just going to go and crawl back to the one who hurt him. But I have to be there for him. It's hard, but I promised to be his friend through it all.

I'll just have to wait. Even if it's hard.

a/n: Yess. Ok that was pretty good. "Hard" is definitely my favorite song right now. Hope you all enjoyed! <3 Ooooo that reminds me of a funny story. 

In fifth grade, we had a spelling test. One of the word's was "yes". Of course, I spelled it wrong. The simplest word ever, and I get it wrong. I spelled 'yess'. I felt so stupid but now it's just soo funny!! 

Anyway, have a great day everyone! xoxo <3 

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