Corbyn x Daniel

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Corbyn's POV

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I sit up in my bed at my parents house. I throw the quilt aside and groggily step out of bed, mussing my hair. As I head to brush my teeth, I'm it with the realization that today I have to tell Daniel that I'm leaving. For good.

-later that morning-

I had called Daniel earlier and told him to meet me at the park where we always used to hand out. Now I'm here, sitting on a bench and awaiting his arrival. The trees are lush and green, a sign that summer is definitely here. The sun is shining down on everyone, and laughter fills the air. Soon I see Daniel walking down the path, smiling at all the people he passes. That's my Daniel. Always so cheerful and full of life. I still can't believe I have to leave him behind.

"Hey Dani." I greet him as he sits next to me.

"What's up Corbs?" Daniel can tell that I'm nervous and has apparently cut straight to the chase.

"I got the job." I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding as I waited for Daniel to understand what I mean.

"Oh my gosh that's great!!" He cheered, enveloping me in a hug. But the embrace was short lived as I pulled away, looking at him sadly.

"Daniel, the job is in North Carolina. That's not anywhere close to here." I look down, not bearing to see the disappointed look on his face. The face I love, the face I always want to be with, but am forced to part with. Though I hate to say it, I need this job. I need this job so that eventually I can keep Daniel and be with him, for good.

I hear Daniel take a deep breath, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"It's okay bean. I understand." Daniel manages to say, and I look up to see tears running down his face. But even though his lips are trembling, he manages to pull them into a smile. But the smile doesn't reach his eyes, and it breaks my heart.

"I don't want to hurt you Dani. I love you." Now I'm crying and he's sobbing into my shoulder.

"I'll miss you Bean. But I'll still text you, call you, do anything I can to stay in touch with you, to keep the connection because corbyn, I will NOT let you go. I need you, and as soon as you come back, I will be waiting for you." These words fill my heart with longing and sadness and love, all at the same time.

"I'll wait for you too. And I promise that I will come back, and we will be together again." I pull him into a long hug, him shuddering against me, tears wracking his body.

Looking up, he smiles at me. This time, it's a real smile, full of hope for our future together. Full of love.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you to, Dani."

And we part ways, with that promise in our hearts.

a/n: there's probably going to be a part 2?

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