Chapter 1

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   I sat outside my house. I watched over all the other creatures, straggling around and limping. I then looked over to Alacryth. He was the blacksmith. He was a Bone species. He had as sorts of bones and spikes protruding out of his torso. He almost had a ball of spiky bones curled around his chest. He wore a thin, worn cloth over it. He also wore burnt, dusty jeans. One of his arms was completely bone. I thoght it looked a bit like one of the dragons arms. His other arm looked zombie-like, except the skin was purple.

   I happened to be friends with Alacryth.
"Hey Al, you need any fire over there?" I asked, hoping I could help somehow.
He looked up and shrugged. "My hellfire has kept up pretty well. I don't think I'll be needin' it yet."
I just nodded and looked away.

   It was sad. I wanted to get away from this place. It was dark. There was rarely anyone friendly, not like I was any better. I had been told tales of the sun, blue clear skies, soft green grass, big sturdy trees, clear streams and rivers.

   That all sounded like absolute bliss to me. I dreamed of being a part of it. I stood up and stretched, then started down my front steps.
"Zhar, yer not going to try an' open a portal again, are ya?" Alacryth howled at me.
"No! I would never." I lied. I was aware I was a bad lier.
Alacryth sharpened his gaze on me. "Ye' better be doin' it away from the town, ya hear?"
I nodded and transformed into my True Spectre Form and flew off.

   I landed in the spot I usually preformed my Alchemy. Or whatever most Spectres called it. I honestly hadn't seen another Spectre aside from myself. I read the books and then start trying to make a portal. Last time I did this I made a huge explosion. That's why Alacryth said "away from the town."

   This was plenty far away from the town, or so I had hoped.

   I followed every instruction correctly and carefully. When I was finally done, the magic was about to begin. I used my Spectre energy to combine all the ingredients together. There were blue sparks flying everywhere and there was a bright light. Last time this happened, it exploded, but only because I looked away because of its brightness. I kept on looking. Finally there was a dark center and it started to shape into a big oval. I was absolutely estatic.

   I let go of it and in front of me was a portal about as big as I. I rubbed my hands together. This was great. It was bright. It was beautiful.

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