Chapter 3

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I had been here for a few days now. I had to admit. I missed the comfort of Deviholm... if you could call it comfortable. I was just used to the dark. Although I had to admit. It was pretty here.

The two boys, Zitri and Ajien, had shown me their home. There were Spectres everywhere. As soon as I walked in, however, a lot of Specres started to worry about me. Ajien pointed out that they were light Spectres and they were healers. I hadn't seen a light Spectre before. There were apparently other dark Spectres too. They stood behind and silently judged me. Zitri walked over to them and joined them.

But there was one light Spectre that stood out to me. She was a light blue griffin. She wasn't with the others, she was playing in the grass and dirt. She wore a flowy white gown. I thought she was beautiful.

Truth be told I have zero chance of scoring. I looked pretty hideous compared to the rest of these other Spectres, so naturally I quickly got discouraged.


Now it had been months. I found out the girls name was Kaila. She had been feeding me and checking up on me. They all thought I was severely malnourished, but I showed no sign of that aside from literally being skin and bones. I had gained a bit of weight since I arrived, however.

Maybe I just didn't get enough Vitamin D.

My fangs were still long and my skin was still pale, even though I started to look more like these other Spectres. However, I surprised them with my abilities. They didn't need to train me any.

Mainly I wanted to impress Kaila. She was beautiful and perfect in every way. She smelled like wild flowers that had been freshly rained on, her long flower green hair flowed like a river, she had perfect soft skin... I will admit, I was in love with her. She was the absolute embodiment of perfection. I noticed some of the other Spectres flirting with her, so I tried not to, since I didn't have a chance to start with.

I attempted talking to my spirit Dracary, Calm. He didn't answer. So I just kind of sat there, watching fishes in a pond. Kaila had brought me outside and she said this was her favorite place, so I'd often sit here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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