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"It's time to wake up now."

Dawn's blue eyes fluttered open and she found herself in a parked car outside a small house. Anya stood beside her with the door open. She lifted a hand over her mouth as she yawned and took in her surroundings.

The last time she'd been here was when she was getting ready for Xander and Anya's wedding, putting on her ghastly green bridesmaid dress. It seemed like just yesterday...

Dawn turned her back to Willow so she could zip up her dress, then she watched as Willow did the same for Tara. She looked away, pretending to fuss over her hair in the mirror, as the redhead paused to leave soft kisses along the skin of her lover's back. It was June 2nd, only weeks since the anniversary of Buffy's death. She shuddered when making eye contact with her reflection; she hated her resemblance to her older sister. "Are you alright, Dawnie?" Tara asked, her hand now on Dawn's shoulder. The teen nodded and moved away from the mirror. Tara's mouth opened to further voice her concern, but before she could get another word out Anya was shouting for help.

"I don't think it will zip! Halfrek can't get it, I'm too big for it!" She was nearly in tears when the three joined her in the master bedroom. Willow rushed forward and started working on the zipper; using strength but not so much that it would tear the seam. She huffed when it barely budged. Then her eyes lit up.

"I've got this. Just a little harmless spell will fix this right up. Normally I wouldn't do this, but I think today can be an exception." Willow said and then began to mutter under her breath. The room watched on as the material loosened, ever so slightly, and the zipper zipped itself up. "You're good to go."

Anya turned around and smiled, thanking her friend. She was huge, as was her dress which cloaked her pregnant belly. Despite how she felt because of her size, she looked beautiful. The others admired her for amount until they were interrupted by a knock at the front door. "I'll get it," Dawn mumbled and took off.

She returned a moment later with Giles, all dressed up in a suit and a camera in hand. "The limousine is here. Shall I take your picture first? All of you stand by Anya." They all shuffled about into a line. "No, no. Dawn and Halfrek you stand on the left of her; the bride must be in the centre." He directed them into position. "Amateurs," he mumbled. He snapped the photograph and, with a soft hum, the camera slowly spat out a Polaroid. "Okay, now all of you out to the car." He ordered them about as though they were back in the school library trying to get all the information they could on the latest big bad. Tara and Halfrek helped hold up Anya's dress as she led the way out of the house. A teary eyed Willow got in quick hug with Giles and then linked her arm with Dawn's.

Rupert nudged Willow and half-whispered, "Her dress is the size of a bloody tent; I think we're going to suffocate in the limousine." Anya glanced back with a scowl. Willow just shrugged at this comment and her attention switched as Dawn spoke.

"Will, when will be back here? When will I see mum and Buffy again?" She sniffed, desperate not to ruin her makeup with tears.

"I'm not sure, sweetie, but we'll visit Sunnydale at least once a year. I promise." Willow said.

That promise was kept but they were brief trips. One of them would get on a plane with her and spend a single day there. And then it was back to the airport and home again. Dawn's mind refocused to the present where Anya was snapping her fingers in her face.

"You better hurry up. Xander said if we get enough packed by tonight we can go see a movie. I told him we shouldn't waste our time on that," Anya informed her, "but it could be fun." Dawn smiled, unbuckled her seat belt and slid her legs out to meet the concrete ground and stood up. She put an affectionate arm around Anya as they walked up the front steps.

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