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"Thanks for taking her off our hands tonight," Tara said. She and Willow were dropping off Ember at Anya and Xander's while they went off to meet their coven.

"No problem, have a good night. And good luck," Xander responded.

"See you later."


"Some DNA from each mother is to be placed in the cauldron first."

The forest clearing was lit merely by the light of the moon and the glow of candles. Each coven member that made up the surrounding circle held a white, vanilla-scented candle. The orange flames quivered in the gentle winds. It was almost midnight.

Stars twinkled above them as Willow and Tara each cut off and dropped in a lock of hair.

"Now, the mother to which the child shall not be born will add the other ingredients. Presenting them to the Goddesses of fertility."

Tara moved forward and began, "Goddesses of fertility, we ask of thee, accept these herbs and bring us a treat," she lifted the first handful of ingredient, momentarily displaying it to the sky above, "red raspberry leaf... false unicorn root... geranium... and hawthorn." For each item she repeated the motion of display and dropped it into the cauldron.

The master of the coven, Emilia, stepped forward again and continued to lead the ritual, "before the burning begins, may the mother whom will birth this child, present something true to her heart."

Willow retrieved her favourite Polaroid of herself, Xander and Buffy, back in their first year of knowing the Slayer, from the pocket of her robe. "I present to thee a gift, true to my heart." With a slight frown she placed the photograph into the rusted cauldron.

"And now we burn. The two mothers stand at north and south by the cauldron and our sisters close in with their wall for protection," the other coven members moved in, tightening the circle. They placed their candles at their feet and held hands, eyes to the stars.

Willow lifted her match with a shaky hand and struck it against the box. "Bless us for these gifts we bring, bless us with a daughter nine months from now." She dropped her match in and everything burned to ashes in only a second's flash of flames. There was only one part that remained of the ritual, but that could be completed back at the house.

The witches gathered their candles and other belongings. Emilia grabbed the cauldron by it's handle and led the way. Willow and Tara smiled brightly at each other as they trudged to the edge of the clearing. They each dropped the hoods of their robes.

"Do we need to go to my place for it?" Emilia asked, she knew they didn't want Dawn to be involved in the coven's practices.

"No, Dawn is sleeping at a friend's house and Ember is with Anya and Xander," Tara informed the coven's master.

"Is this part really necessary?" Willow asked, she hoped for a 'no' but knew she wouldn't get it.

"It'll be over before you know it, baby," Tara reassured her, "and it's totally worth it." She pulled her wife to her side and kissed her on the lips. Willow reciprocated the affection and wished they could be alone right now. Oh, the things she'd do if they were.

The house glowed on the hilltop from the lights that were left on. The group struggled up the hillside in their flowing, floor length witches robes which tripped them up if the didn't bunch up some of the material and hold it out of the way. Willow resorted to removing her shoes after the heels of her black boots sunk into the soft soil for the fourth time. She groaned as she slipped her feet out knowing they were going to be cold and wet shortly.

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