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Raine's POV:

Both Sierra and I reached school in five minutes before the bell. Sierra hurried to pick a parking spot, as soon as she got a parking spot we got out and started walking towards the building. Stopping at the front doors we heard a motorcycle and saw girls fixing their makeup and pushing up their breast. I was confused so I turned to look towards Sierra but she looked like she knew exactly what was going on.

"What's happening ?" I asked my best friend turning towards the commotion. As I turned around I found a boy getting off a charcoal matte black Kawasaki versys 1000. I have to admit it was a beautiful bike. I couldn't get a good glimpse of the boy because he didn't take off his helmet, but I felt as though he was staring right at me.

"That's Christian Dawson, total hottie and single at least that's what I heard, he's not the typical bad boy that sleeps around but he does get his lay I guess you can say, he's tough as hell too, oh and he also boxes but not where you go I think he goes somewhere in the nasty part of town but who cares, they say he's finishing his senior year here, be careful though because I know you have this whole "befriend the bad boys" thing but he's pretty dangerous." I stared at him for awhile he had a leather jacket a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans with white Air Force ones on to tie in the white shirt as soon as he was about to take his helmet off sierra literally pulled me in the school. "Now come on ray stop eye raping him. We have class."

I rolled my eyes and huffed. I guess You'll just see him later than now won't you?.

Getting to our first period class sierra and I sat in our usual seats in the back by the window right as the bell rung, I sighed in relief happy we weren't late. Our English teacher Mrs Chip walked in closing the door behind her, hushing up the classroom, as soon as she started opening class up with attendance the classroom door was flung open and Andre my best guy friend came rushing in.

"Hey Mrs chips, I-I phew that was a long ass run" the class chuckled while mrs chip was raging. He continued " I had an emergency it was crazy A DOLPHIN FLEW IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALWAY!!! can you believe it, right as i was coming to class a damn dolphin FLEW so as the kind and caring gentleman I am and how I was raised I picked it up and let it be free right outside the school and I ran back which made me late." he stood straight up puffing his chest out, the class snickered and you could see he was trying to keep in his laugh. I looked back at Mrs chip to see she was as red as a tomato. That made us laugh harder.

"Mr Harper that story was so absurd, how about after school you could FLY to detention. Now take a seat, you've disrespected and disrupted my class quite enough." she was angry and it made it all the more better to laugh. Andre nodded his head turned and walked towards the back and sat with me and sierra as soon as he came back here we started laughing so hard the class joined in.

As you can tell Andre is and always have been the class clown. The funniest person ever and he's my best friend he's also gay but that doesn't matter because I will always love him no matter what.

Mrs chip cut into all the laughing with her hard glare, she's a great teacher but she's very rude, she scares half of the school and can also be the sweetest. She's about in her forties, she's short and stubby and always go heavy on the lipstick that stains her teeth red her blonde hair stops just below her ears . English is actually my favorite subject but it's sometimes distracting because I focus on the lipstick that appears on her teeth.

After fifteen minutes of fussing with the class she finally started teaching, today in class we have to read 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare then write a five page essay on it. When she said this the entire class groaned while I just smiled. William Shakespeare is one of my favorite authors, his stories all captivate me and I understand them, people don't usually understand him and get pretty frustrated but when I read him it's like I'm connected, it's hard to explain but it's true I love William and his absolutely frustrating stories.

"Alright you guys have twenty minutes until lunch, I want you guys to open up the books of Hamlet I just handed out and read the first chapter I don't wanna hear nothing but flip of your pages understood?" Exclaimed Mrs chip

"Understood." replied the class.

"Also grab a partner, since it's an odd number there will be one group of three, Raine, Sierra, and Andre will be that group of three until something changes." we nodded and got to work. Five minutes into working the door to our class opened, the principal and the new boy who's named I forgot walked in.

"Hello principal Tally." Mrs chip greeted him with a closed mouth smile and a blush. While they were talking my eyes traveled to the boy, my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I came to see him already staring at me pretty intently. I smiled at him and blushed he kept looking at me and smirked I hurriedly put my head down and was kinda angry because I remembered I put my hair up in a ponytail.

"Ouu he's eye fucking you ray." I gasped at andres choice of words while sierra just laughed.

"Dre your mouth needs to be washed out with soap. He's not eye freaking me." I said rolling my eyes while they laughed harder while I furiously blushed.

"Okay class this is Christian Dawson he's the new addition to the class, would you like to introduce yourself young man?"

"Um sure, wassup the names Christian, um I'm 18, I'm just here to finish my senior year so if you're a female trynna fuck move along please I'm not into the whole fuck a slut and be stuck kinda thing." he said nonchalantly shrugging. I was the only one to gasped which caused him sierra and Andre to laugh at me while the other girls shook their heads.

"W-well umm ok well, wow very blunt umm right now we're reading William Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' have a seat next to raine and you guys can be partners which is good for you because she's really smart, um Raine raise your hand." I shyly raised my hand he looked at me and gave a full blown smile and I melted.
He walked back to me and and sat in front of me not once looking away from me.

He was so tall he was probably around 6'2 while I am 5'4. He had these velvet looking eyes with a little gold sprinkling the iris i couldn't believe my eyes they were so beautiful. He had tattoos that started at his hands and when he took off his leather jacket tattoos where running up both arms and I mean covered, you could also see the tattoos through his shirt not that I was staring or anything but they ran all the way up his neck and then they just stopped. When I say he's a work of art I really mean it. His jaw was so sharp it could cut an apple, his lips were so plumped I could suck on them. I couldn't believe how this one boy could make me feel, it was crazy. I could actually feel the heat coming off his body that sent chills down my body. He was so captivating and mysterious and I liked it. The way he made me feel without even trying made me like it. No one has ever made me feel this way not even Trey.

"Hey." he said bringing me out of my inappropriate state. That's when I realized I was staring at his lips.

Sierra leaned over and whispered "drool baby." which resulted in me lifting my hand wiping the side of my face to see if I had drool turns out I didn't and turns out my friends and the freaking goddess thought it was funny. I blushed strawberry red.

"U-Um hi." i said deciding to get my self together. I smiled my best smile showing my pearly whites. When I smiled there was something in his eyes that I couldn't read.

"Damn." he Muttered my eyes went wide.

"Please don't say bad words." I pouted. He just chuckled and when I say it was the best freaking chuckle known to man I'm not lying.

He was about to say something but was cut off by the bell. I scrambled to my feet getting my books and ran out. Once I stepped out that classroom I felt like i could breath.

This Christian Dawson will be the death of me.

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