Cookies | EunKook

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Junior highschool student Eunha was very hungry. Or bored. Or both. All she knows is that she's craving for something in her mouth— and right in the middle of class!

She mindlessly raised her hand, and the teacher caught it immediately. "Can I go for a while?"

Her teacher was hesitant, but she gave Eunha the pass, anyway. "Need an outlook?"

"I think I'm good." Eunha answered, "I'll be back in a while." She hinted it'll take her long and scooted out the door without another word.

Now that she is outside, what now? There's no food in sight, either. How will she live by this?

"The canteen may be open." She announced to herself and skipped in the hallways alone in attempts to reach the canteen.

Once she got in the place, she recited her purchase and the canteen helper kindly gave her the food.

"Thank you!" Eunha said happily.

She was about to dart off when the helper coughed her from her thoughts. "That'll be five coins, miss."

Eunha stayed blank in her spot. Geez, she hasn't brought any money when she decided to stray away from the class. "I-I..." she wanted to slap herself because she's never planned to go buy for food, yet she knew this literally is the only place for food. What was I thinking omfg??? Why didn't I think of this when I was in class?

"One cup of iced tea." A voice of a young male said. Eunha looked up to the foundation of the voice and found the same boy from across her classroom—Jungkook. Eunha's embarrassment turned down a little.

The helper nodded and gave exactly what Jungkook requested.

"What, you're not paying for that pack of cookies?" The helper directed at Eunha and Jungkook looked over her shoulder to take a view from the girl. Eunha, who wanted to shrink in shame more, stoned on her place once again not finding the courage to word out her situational brokenness.

Jungkook could not help but interfere. "How much does it cost?" Oh my god, Guk, you're a cutie pie but mind your own business!

But the helper got it quickly and replied casually. "Five coins,"

Jungkook took out a whole bill and handed it out to the counter. "Here. Take her payment in this as well."

What... is he seriously serious? He's paying for my food when it just costs 5 coins and I could just make a credit out of it?

"Oh." The helper uttered.

Eunha got no choice.


Eunha seated at a bench, eating her supposedly-not-free-but-free cookies.

"Excuse me... May I sit beside you?" Jungkook asked, positioned in front of Eunha as he patiently waited for an answer.

"Why not?" Eunha confirmed.

The atmosphere was a quiet void that surrounded between them. Awkward.

"Say..." Desperate for something to say, Eunha initiated a topic for the two to casually share. "Why did you pay for my order? I mean, we barely met but here you are, treating me for my hunger." She asked.

Jungkook was quiet, composing something to say.

"The idea of you liking cookies is cute." He replied, keeping its double meaning.

"Oh," Eunha can only say while she resumes munching her cookies. Wierd.

"Can I ask where is your class located?" Jungkook thoughtlessly asked, and Eunha stated the room number casually.

"Oh, so you're from a high section of 10th grade. You must be smart."

By that, Eunha was flustered. "Not really."

"No, I mean it, you participate in division quiz bees and competition but still manage to top so high. I envy you." Jungkook complimented and Eunha smiled shyly.

"Kind of,"

"Wow... my Class B ass could never!" Jungkook declared.

"No!" Eunha opposed. "Not with those sport skills you don't! Class sections will never define one's competency and intelligence. You being in a lower section doesn't mean you're low and being in a higher one doesn't make you better. You see, we all excel different so why bother comparing me to you?" She said.

Jungkook was left in awe. "And you do know a lot."

Eunha realized her 15 minutes of pass was up. "Oh, I gotta go, Jungkook. I'll miss the rest of my class." Eunha panicked and finished her cookies— oh wait! She forgot something.

"Thanks for paying me, I'll make up to that I swear. So, friends?" Eunha extended her arms for the latter to shake.

"Friends." He gladly accepted.

"Cool!! So.... I'm going now."

Eunha stood up and is literally about to leave but Jungkook grasps on her wrist so quickly.

"No, wait, Eunha! Let's ditch class together." Jungkook casually suggested which thrown Eunha aback. She doesn't know why, but she actually thinks it'll be a good idea.

Without another word needed, Eunha slipped her answer out of her lips.

"Sure." I guess.


Running away from class with Jungkook is genuinely fun.

And by running away, Jungkook meant getting away from school. The duo jumped off a fence cautious not to get caught and darted off to a nearest funhouse.

"You want to sing?" Jungkook initiated.

"I'm sorry, I don't sing." She denied.

"Oh, come on i know your voice is golder than gold! Pleaseeee~" Jungkook begged. And Eunha obliged.

He enters two funhouse tokens and the karaoke instrumental started.

"Stylish by LOONA?" Eunha read the text in the screen. "How did you know my Favorite?"

Jungkook laughed at the hidden reference. "I know you love them."

Eunha was bewildered.


"I gather my courage and make you, gather my courage and make you mine~ The style that suits me best my baaaaby~"

Eunha ended the soft tune not looking at the screen but looking at Jungkook. "My baby...."

"I'm your baby?" Jungkook jeered, and Eunha threatened to hit him with a microphone. "Uh, no?"

Jungkook chuckled. "So you're MY baby then."

Eunha laughed. "No, shut up." She jokes.

"No kidding tho. Your voice is the sweetest."

"It's not?" Eunha denied. Jungkook laughed it off.

Jungkook wanted to be something more to Eunha than a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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