America X Reader Lemon: Prove You Love Me

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First of all: this is a lemon, so steer clear if you cannot handle reading that sort of thing. Secondly, although it is a lemon I tried to not make it too dirty, focusing instead on showing the deep love, passion and care in the relationship between the two characters, so I put real feeling into making this and it's not just some halfhearted pervy story. Also please understand how awkward this was for me to make, despite me wanting to write it so much. The reason I am saying this is because I am very self conscious of posting this, for fear of what people will think. So after reading that, I ask that you will please be considerate of the fact that this is my first lemon, and also as I write this I'm not even sure I should post this story, but we'll see. So if you are reading this then, enjoy! Also (I'm sorry I know you want to read already) I know it takes a while before Lemon-ish stuff goes down but hang in there because the plot matters.

You walked down the hallway of the apartment building. You thought of your boyfriend, Alfred, his beautiful blue eyes and sandy blond hair. You were on your way to see him in his apartment. As you daydreamed about him you hardly noticed the strange looking man walking toward you. He had a shifty look on his face. You drew your glace in another direction trying not to draw attention to yourself. As you past him in the hallway however he stopped and looked at you. His stare made you uncomfortable. You continued walking but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him. Your eyes went wide not understanding what was going on. He backed you up against a wall. Alfred's door was just down the hall. You were scared, you wanted nothing more than to escape from this stranger and run to Alfred. He pressed his face into your neck. You could hear his breathing over your neck. You tried to escape from him but his grip was too strong. With one hand holding down both of yours he reached out with his free hand and groped one of your breasts. You shrieked and he removed his hand from your breast, covering your mouth. You were so scared you couldn't do anything but stand there stunned. He started pulling your clothes, making you cry out. Alfred must have heard the noise because he came out of his apartment and into the hallway. He caught site of you.

"(NAME)!" Alfred shouted. He ran to you and pulled you away from the stranger. He held you close to him. It only took one threatening stare from Alfred and the strange man ran away. You buried your face in his chest. You wanted nothing more than to stay there in Alfred's safe and protective arms. Stunned from the recent trauma, you broke into tears. He looked at you and noticed you crying. He lifted a thumb to your face and gently brushed away the tears from your face. "It's ok," Alfred whispered to you. "You're safe with me." You couldn't say anything you just gave him a small nod. He gave you a small kiss on your forehead. Everyone said Alfred was loud and obnoxious but there was a side of him not many people saw, a gentle, kind and compassionate side.

"C-Could we go to your apartment n-now," you said quietly, your breath trembling from crying.

"Of course," he said. He led you down the hallway to his apartment. He opened the door and held your hand as he led you into the living room. Alfred sat down on the couch with you next to him. You snuggled up next to him. A single tear rolled down your cheek. "Are you ok?" he asked, looking at you with concerned eyes.

"H-he groped me," you said in shock.

"Don't worry, I won't let it happen again," he said. That made you feel safe.

"Do you love me?" you asked. He looked at you with a bit of confusion.

"Of course I do!" he said. He kissed you tenderly on the lips. As he kissed you his arms pulled you closer to him. You could hear the racing heartbeat in his chest.

"Do you love me?" Alfred whispered in your ear.

"Yes," you said, your heartbeat speeding up.

"Can you prove that you love me?" he asked, caressing your cheek. You jammed your lips on his, not knowing what else to do. He parted his lips from yours and started nibbling your ear, sending chills of excitement up your spine. Alfred stopped nibbling on your ear and you noticed he had begun to look at your breasts, but he seemed worried that he would upset you if he did that, most likely due to the recent events. Your eyes made contact with his, giving him silent permission. He unbuttoned your shirt and he discarded it on the floor. He moved his hands up your back to your shoulder blades, where he then unhooked your bra. Out of reflex and being shy you quickly rapped your arms around your chest, covering your breasts. Though you had been together with Alfred for a considerable amount of time, he had never seen you exposed and vise verse. You thought he would try to pry your arms from your chest but he didn't. Instead he pulled off his own shirt over his head, leaving him sitting before your eyes, shirtless. You had seen him shirtless before but this seemed different. He slowly and gently pushed you down so that you were lying on your back. He slowly lied down on top of you. His hands propped him up on either side of you so as not to lie on you with his full weight. He smiled at you in his normal friendly way, making you feel warm and cared for.

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