He is my other half💖

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Harry he is more than a best friend to me., yes he is my twin brother, my other half, my only family alive.....(if we exclude our dad who is always busy) , my best friend, my brother, my caretaker, my wellwisher, he is my every thing in this world.

He is my other half,  I'm incomplete without him

Yes, I'm Harry's twin sister, he is 5mins older than me

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Yes, I'm Harry's twin sister, he is 5mins older than me. Our mother died when we were young.

From the day our mother died he was always by my side. I never felt alone. He is my backbone. If anyone ask who is the one person you cannot live without it would be Harry.

I love him and care for him. Always and forever

Our family is so small, if I don't add my friends list.

Our father who is always busy in work after the death of our mother. He is rarely present at home, me and Harry would be the one to be home all the time

I miss him, I miss my dad

But there is one more person who lives with us, she is Amy our caretaker , After the death of our mom she came to live with us, to take care of us.
she is like a second mother to me. She takes of me and Harry.

She is the only person who try to make the broken family's house into home.


The intro parts are over guys
Let's get to the story
»this story does not go by the real exact life of 1d.
.but it will mainly concentrate on friendship and crush on  zayn

But it also have parts of One Direction but not the team formation will be through X Factor

As they already know each other

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