New Home ?

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When Frisk woke up he was in a small pink bed. "Am I dead?" he thought. "No that can't be right..." Frisk got up, surprisingly nothing hurt anymore. He looked down. His leg was wrapped in a bandage. Were was he ? Is he safe? Was he in danger? Frisk wasn't sure. He decided to look around. He got out of the bed and opened the door to the room he was in.

He went down a hallway and into what looked like an entry way.  He followed the path in the entry way to a living room. Again not watching were he was going , Frisk stubbed his toe and fell.

"Tee hee hee , So have you recovered my child?"

Frisk looked up. A white goat like monster was sitting in a chair looking at him. " Hi " he manage to say. "T-thank you Miss-" 

"Please my child, call me Toriel." the monster said kindly.

"Um T-toriel.."


"Where am I?"

"Oh my child you are in my house in the ruins, do not worry you are safe with me"

"I-is that flower gone? " Frisk couldn't help asking. "Yes Flowey is gone" Toriel said dryly but still in a sweet voice. "Is there somthing you want to ask" she said changing the subject. Frisk wanted to ask Toriel many things like what the ruins were or what happen to that creepy flower and all that. But instead he asked " Can I have something to eat ?" Toriel smiled. "Of course my child." 

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