Snowy Place

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Frisk walked out of the Ruins into a place that felt really cold. He shivered. Snow covered everything. He blew into his hand to keep himself warm. He continued walking, he came over a tree branch that had apparently fallen from the tree above. He carefully step over the branch and continued. CRUNCH. Frisk whirl around no one seemed to be there, yet he had a feeling that someone was there.

"Hello? Anyone there"


"Hello? Hello?"


Still unsure of who was there, Frisk continued walking. As he did he also felt the presence of someone following him. Frisk walked faster until he came to a something that looked like a giant cage. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Something or someone was behind Frisk. Frisk as scared as a deer stayed extremely still.

"Human..." Said a new voice

"Don't ya know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and Shake my hand."

Uncertain and scared Frisk turned around to shake the new comers hand, but he made no eye contact.

PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT. Frisk felt a little startled at first so bravely he looked up to see what looked to be a chubby skeleton smiling at him. "Heh heh the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick, its always funny." Frisk chuckled a little, feeling releaved that the monster seemed friendly yet still felt a bit nervous.

"Say, your a human right?" The skeleton asked.

Frisk nodded. "Yeah, my name is Frisk." He said.

"Nice to meet ya, Frisk. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton."

Sans let go of Frisk's hand

"Sorry if I scared ya kid, I guess I'm not good at making a good first impression."

"It's ok." Frisk said.

"So, what ya doing here?"

"I'm exploring the Underground."

Frisk felt himself start to doubt weather or not that was a good idea to share that peace of wisdom with Sans.

The skeleton gave him a strange look, even with the smile plastered on his face, Frisk had a feeling he was puzzled.

"SANS! WHERE ARE YOU???" A loud voice called.

"Quick go behind that lamp over there!" Sans said quickly.

"Wait why?" Frisk asked.

"It's my brother. Uh, he's a human hunting fanatic, so uh, if sees you. Your screwed."

Frisk felt a shiver crawl down his back. That made sense. Since the war, he figured some monsters wouldn't take to kindly to human.

He was told this by his parents. Especially his mother. Who he was ironically named after.

He sighed, he thought back to Toriel.

How much she reminded him of his mother on the surface.

As Frisk continued to ponder he felt a jab in the back.

Turning around he saw Sans pushing him.

"Sheesh kid you wanna get caught? Come on get moving I'm trying to help."

Frisk nodded and quickened his pace until he was behind the lamp.

"How convenient."

As the human hid, he listened in on the conversation the brothers had.

Sans's brother looked to be a tall skeleton that donned a red scarf, gloves., and boots. He also bore a very mad expression on his face.

"Chill I've got a ton of work done, a skele-ton!" Sans joked to the tall skeleton.

Frisk couldn't help but snort silently.

That was bad.

The tall monster didn't seem to like the joke. He grumbled under his breath.

"I'm going to work on more puzzles in case a human shows up!" He said.

"You better keep an eye out for them as well. As well as those two little trouble makers."

Frisk blinked.

"Don't worry, bro. I'll make sure the kids get back safe."

"You better, because they are worrying me."

With that, the tall skeleton left.

Once he was fully out of sight, Frisk came out from behind the lamp.

"Welp sorry you had to sit through all that." Sans said.

Frisk shook his head telling Sans it was ok. "What did he mean by "two little trouble makers"?" He questioned

"Huh? Oh, don't worry about that kiddo." Sans said. "Pap just has kids of his own that ran off on him."

Frisk cocked his head. "Pap?" He asked.

"It's short for Papyrus." Sans exclaimed "Any way you better go back to the ruins, I don’tthink today is the best day to be exploring."

Frisk looked at Sans. "You know I came from the Ruins." He said astonished.

"Ya, Tori and I know each other."

"You know Toriel?"

"Yep. I know her. She and I are pun buddies."

Frisk smiled feeling fully better that Sans knew the big white monster.

He stopped as soon as he realized that he didn't want to go back just yet. And things about Papyrus seemed off.

"Thank you for concerning about my safety Sans." Frisk said finally.

"But I still want to explore the Underground."

Sans let out a sigh, seemingly giving up.

"Well, I guess I can't stop you and your curiosity. Ok, be careful. My brother set a bunch of puzzles out. And don't let him spot you either.

"Don't worry I'll be careful!" Frisk said.

"See ya around kid..." Sans said with a wink.

With that Frisk headed forward.

Although Sans told him not to. The way he talked about this Papyrus peeked his interest.

He had to know more.

Undertale 2: Return UndergroundWhere stories live. Discover now