Life with Toriel

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Frisk loved living with Toriel. She always gave him great pie. And her snail dishes weren't half bad. Life seemed to be OK but then Frisk got a little curious one morning after waking up.

"Yes my child is there something you need?" Toriel asked sweetly.

Frisk hesitated for a moment. Then asked "When can I go outside the ruins?"

Toriel,as If almost trying to change the subject, said "Oh don't you like it here? It's your  "home." Why may I ask my child do you wish to leave?"

Frisk, trying not to be hurt, said "I'm just curious". Toriel blinked then gave a small frown. "there is something I need to do" she said. Then with that she got up and walked to the basement where she forbidden Frisk to go. Puzzled, Frisk followed Toriel. As he went down a long purple hallway he spotted Toriel up ahead. "You wish to know how to leave do you not?" she said not even looking at Frisk. "Ahead of us lies a one way exit to the Underground." 

Frisk suddenly realized that Toriel thought he was trying to go back to the surface world. At first he really didn't want to stay underground. But when he saw how friendly the monsters were he really didn't want to leave the underground. Yet he wanted to explore it. 

Toriel continued "I'm going to destroy it." Frisk tried holding back his shock but failed and he blurted out. "No Toriel please don't" But Toriel payed him no mind as if she were in a trace. She continued walking, so Frisk continued following.

He kept following. 


And more he became more puzzled with Toriel's actions.

Finally she stopped at a large purple door. "Hmph" she said "Your just like the others"

That was the most confusing thing that Toriel had said to Frisk. "Others ?" he thought  " were there more humans before me? "

Before he could ask Toriel she spoke " There is only one way to solve this" Frisk cocked his head.

Before he could ask Toriel she spoke " There is only one way to solve this" Frisk cocked his head

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"Prove it" was the last thing Toriel said before she started throwing fireballs at Frisk. He dodge the Fire best he could. 

"Toriel please I don't want to fight." Frisk said

Toriel wasn't listening. She kept throwing fire. Frisk kept dodging. After she took a break he tried again to talk to her. "Please Toriel I don't want to fight" he said again. Again she didn't listen. Toriel kept pelting until Frisk got hit.

This was enough. Frisk wanted Toriel to stop.

To understand.

So with out even thinking he yelled "MOM! Please all I want to do is look around the Underground. I promise I'll come back." 

That was the last straw.

That was what made Toriel stop pelting fireballs and start crying. 

Frisk fell down beside Toriel. "Whats wrong?"

Toriel looked up at Frisk and smiled. "I have not been called Mom in a long time."

"Does that mean you want to stay here in the Underground?"

Frisk nodded. Toriel wiped the tear from her eye. "Well then" she said "If you going to explore the Underground you'll need some supplies." 

With that Toriel took Frisk upstairs and gave him a backpack full of supplies. She also gave him a whole butterscotch-cinnamon pie for the road. After that she took him to the door in the basement. 

"There is one more thing I want to give you" said Toriel before Frisk left.

Then Toriel bent down and gave Frisk a big hug.

Then Toriel bent down and gave Frisk a big hug

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"I will see you soon my child." Toriel said. "Goodbye for now"

"I love you Mom." said Frisk, trying not to cry. But he did and buried his face into Toriel.

"I love you too my child." Toriel cooed gently. 

After a good five minutes of hugging Toriel finally let Frisk go. And opened the door to let him outside...

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