Part three

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Sarah walked in the factory with a doubtful feeling.

'Maybe this is all a dream.' She thought sadly.

She stopped when she noticed the large Earth in the middle of the room, as well as seeing many toys flying and being built by air. She guessed those were elves, but she heard the busyness of the whole factory. Though, she felt the vibrations of large, thundering footsteps going across the floor, and wondered how big the elves really were.

She felt something touch her and she spun around, and noticed an odd outline of a person taller and much larger then her. It was misty, but she could make out the outline, as well as it holding two long swords.

"Ah! Sarah! Velcome!" The figure said, putting it's swords back into their casings.

Sarah watched the figure, intrigued.

She quickly bowed respectfully and smiled.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you Mr...?"

"North! Guardian of Vonder! Or as many know me, Santa." North stated.

Sarah's eyes widened and she cleared her throat, and rubbed her eyes a bit more.

"It's really nice to meet you Mr. Claus!" She said, her eyes darting downwards and she twiddled her thumbs nervously, a normal tick she would do.

"Call me North! Now! Jack Frost and Bunny have been telling me about your believing problem-"

"Wait wait wait." Sarah interrupted.


"Jack Frost? So that's his last name!" Sarah gasped.

"Vell yes, didn't you know? Guardian of Fun as many say."

"Well I knew that, just not his last name. Didn't make the connection sorry."

"It's fine. Now! Can you see me?"

"Yes and no." Sarah responded honestly.

"Vhat do you mean?"

"I can see the outline of you, but not much."

"Ah! It must be vorking. It seems to me that you're believing again."

"Well...maybe." She mumbled.

"Maybe? I know I'm right! Now! Let's get you believing again. Vonder is a common thing all kids have, haven't you ever had it?"

"I...yes, but not in the way you would want it to be."

"As in...?" North asked.

"Well, I keep wondering why my parents left." Sarah said sadly.

"Ah. I see." North replied.

"I'm sorry to hear about that Sarah."

"Don't be, it was a long time ago anyways North." Sarah said, forcing a small smile.

"Vhy do you think ve vonder Sarah?" He asked, and Sarah noticed the outline shimmering just a little.

He began to walk away, and Sarah figured he wanted her to follow, so she obliged.

"Um...we wonder because we want answers?" Sarah answered a bit hesitantly.

"Yes and no. Ve vonder for zhe sake of ourselves. Answers are not always vhat ve get, but having them are not always good too. Vonder is vhat ve need, to keep our minds alive and curious. It gives us happiness, as well as sadness, but let's us see the vonder in all things. That's vhat vonder is Sarah." North replied, and Sarah smiled a true smile.

His figure shimmered a bit more before Sarah blinked and there he was, his red jacket and swords was what threw her off a bit. She saw his long white beard, and his large blue eyes. And her shock was quite noticeable.

"Sarah? Vhat's vrong?"

"I...I can't believe it! Wait! No! I mean I do! I believe! What?! Oh my goodness!" Sarah gasped, plainly freaking out.

"I can see you Santa! I mean North! Whatever! Oh my goodness!"

North let out a large laugh and grinned.

"Halfway zhere Sarah! Very good! A plus!"

Sarah jumped around and noticed that little shimmering lights appeared around her, and little red hats with bells clinked around. She blinked and the elves ran around her feet, and she giggled.

"The elves! I can see them too!"

"And...? Anyzhing else?" North asked, with a twinkle in his eye.

"I...I can see large hairy creatures! What? Wait, are they making the toys? I'm so confused but so happy and wow!"

"Zhose are zhe Yeti's, zhey make zhe toys but ve just make zhe elves zhink zhey do." He answered plainly.

Sarah grinned, and looked around with true wonder in her eyes.

"Almost zhere Sarah. Now, Ve go meet Tooth. And I have just zhe transportation to take us." He said and marched off, with Sarah in tow.

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