Part four

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"Whoa." Sarah whispered.

"I know." Jack answered.


Sarah stared at coolest sleigh she's ever seen. The way it flashed red, as well as the reindeers that pulled it. The electronic GPS and levers made her gasp, as well as sitting in it. She loved the goldish interior, and watched the reindeer clicked their hooves.


"I know right? 'Course I'd rather fly, but this is such a cool sleigh. Don't tell North that though." Jack said quickly.

Sarah giggled and examined the leather seat that was up front. She went to grab a seatbelt, but noticed they weren't there.

"There...isn't any seat belts?"

"Uh...yeah no." Jack said with a slight chuckle.

Sarah frowned.

"That doesn't seem very safe."

"Oh! It's very safe! Just don't lean over too much...or lean at all. I wouldn't, but I can fly and all so..." Jack trailed off.

Sarah glared at where Jack would be.

"You can't see this, but I'm shaking in my boots."

"Very funny Jack." Sarah mumbled.

"Aren't I? Don't you just love m-"

"AND HERE WE GO!" North shouted, as he shook the reins, and Sarah fell back in a thud.


"CRIKEY!" A sudden voice cried.

"I didn't know Bunny vas on here! Nice of you to join us, old friend!"

"I DIDNT PLAN ON IT NORTH!" Bunny yelled, sounding absolutely frightened.

Jack let out a laugh and Sarah gripped the railing in a tight death grip. Her eyes watered from the air, especially from the cold, since it definitely wasn't helping. The reindeer continued to sore of course, before Sarah noticed North take a large snow globe from his coat, and whispered to it. She couldn't hear what he said, but she then noticed it glow as he tossed it far into the air, before it exploded in a very of colours and lights.

Sarah's eyes widened as the sleigh headed straight for the light, before blinking merely once, and appearing in a whole other place. She rubbed her eyes and gasped at the beautiful gold palace, with pinks and purples glittering around it. She watched it, mesmerized by its beauty, feeling warmth radiating through her.

The sleigh headed into a certain part of the castle, with a built in landing pad, and Sarah figured it was just for this anyway. North tugged on the reins, before they landed safely onto the gold pad.

Sarah cautiously stepped out, and North followed behind her. She felt someone brush against her hand and she smiled.

"Is this really the Tooth Fairy's palace? It's so beautiful..." She whispered over to where Jack would have been.

"It is, haven't been here for a while though." Jack answered easily.

Sarah heard buzzing sounds flutter around her head, and quickly moved to the right.

"Is there bees here or something?"

"Nah, those are just the fairies!" Bunny replied.

"F-Fairies? Really? Oh wow!" She cried.

"Let me guess, you can't see those either."

"Well no, but they must be gorgeous, just like this castle." Sarah whispered with a huge smile.

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