Part five

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"Are you sure this will work?" Jack asked, feeling much more worried with this girl then he ever felt before.

"Of course! Love HAS to be the answer!" Sarah responded with new found courage.

"Yeah, but it doesn't work every time. Maybe you should look again."

"Oh Jack, don't be such a worry puss. I'm quite positive that it will work with the other Guardians!"

"Yeah, but it didn't work on me, now did it?" Jack mumbled as the two went looking around for Bunny next.

"I....shut up. Now! Do you see him anywhere?"

"Nah, cottontail doesn't like cold climates mostly. He probably-" Jack's response was cut off when a large, gaping hole in the ground caved in from under Sarah's feet.

She screamed and tried grabbing anything, but felt nothing but dirt as she slid down a large slide. Jack took immediate action and jumped in after her, easily surfing as Sarah continued to scream.

"H-HELP ME! Oh my god!" She cried before zooming out a large tunnel into a pile of grass.

She coughed and spluttered before Jack's laughter was boomed out from the tunnel itself. Sarah brushed off the dirt and grass before looking around, forgetting about the pain and becoming mesmerized from the beautiful scenery. It was as if spring came way early, as flowers bloomed and trees swayed in the breeze. She notice large rocks with happy faces stand guard near the entrance she came down on, and finally felt warm enough to take off her jacket and mittens.

She set them neatly onto the ground and walked a little aways, wondering just where she was.

"Jack?" She asked.

"Yeah?" He replied, walking over to her and taking her now bare hand again.

She tried not to flinch at the cold and asked where they were.

"Ah! Well you're in-"

"In the Easter Warren." Bunnymund's voice interrupted as Sarah darted behind her, seeing the invisible bunny holding a white ball.

She went closer and notice it wasn't a ball, but an egg, with tiny little legs. She grinned and Bunny handed it to her, as Sarah examined it. It's little feet ran around in the air for a moment before she giggled and they stopped. She poked it again before it wiggled around in her hand once more.

"It's adorable! Is this how you transport the eggs?"

"Oh yeah, they travel through those tunnels up to the Earth's core and hide in secret places where they set up the Egg Hunts." He responded as Sarah cradled her little egg.

Sarah smiled down at her Egg as it's little legs wiggled around. She looked up to finally see a very faint outline of a very tall, and very fuzzy image of a large bunny. She gasped and almost dropped her egg in shock.

"Wow! It's working! You guys sure know how to make me believe." Sarah said happily.

"We are the Guardians of course. Now! To get you to believe in me, you need to Hope! Hope is what makes this Earth and it's people thrive. Hope is a very important part of believing, especially if you want to have total Faith in things." Bunnymund stated as he snapped his fingers and plenty of white eggs ran out from under one of the rocks.

Sarah watched with wonder as they slotted around her legs for a moment, before knocking into her. She gasped and dropped her egg, now invisible to all the identical white ones.


"It's a simple test Sarah. Find your egg, and then you'll get to keep it."

Sarah frowned and looked down at the eggs that continued to shuffle around. She looked hard and tried to find which one hers was, but she couldn't find any source.

"And no hints either mate." Bunny said as he scooped up a few eggs and cradled them.

"B-But how am I supposed to know which one is which?"

"With Hope of course. If you truly Hope you'll find it, then believing will be much simpler from here on out. Yet if you don't feel like you'll be able to Hope, then the harder the trials will be for you to believe." Bunnymund said as he went to different coloured flowers and had them colour the eggs.

Sarah sat down onto the cobblestone floor and sighed. She watched the eggs skitter around her body and she giggled, but frowned once more. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to remember what egg she had beforehand. It was pure white with little legs, identical to the same exact ones.

"This is way too hard." Sarah admitted sadly.

Bunnymund picked up a now yellow egg and walked over to her.

"Hoping isn't hard Sarah. You're just not letting yourself do it yet mate. Keep your Faith and let your Hope shine through."

"Isn't that a song?" Sarah asked with a small smile.

"No! I made that up on the spot!"

"Sure you did, as if I could easily pick out one of these eggs and call it my own." Sarah said sarcastically and grabbed an egg at random.

All the other eggs stopped and scurried back underneath the rock, and Sarah's eyes widened in shock.

"D-Don't tell me I actually got it..."

"Okay, I won't tell you." Jack called from a little whiles away.

Sarah gasped and kissed the little egg.

"Hope!" Sarah said happily and looked over to find a very large, hairy creature with a satchel.

He had large, tall ears and a cute pink nose, with intricate designs along the lines of his fur. Sarah didn't mean to stare, but she couldn't help but smile.

"Did it work?" Bunny asked hopefully.

"I didn't know the Easter Bunny had boomerangs."

Bunnymund grinned and shrugged.

"It helps with defeating Pitch I suppose."

"Pitch...?" Sarah asked, confused.

"Uh, nothing. Now! Hope, Wonder, and Memories are what you're at now! What's left is Dreams and Fun." Bunny said and set down a few eggs he was playing with.

Sarah nodded and stood up, looking down at her little egg and smiling.

"A hopeful little prize." Sarah mumbled.

She felt Jack place a hand on her shoulder and she smiled.

"Let's go meet Sandy. He's excited about meeting you most of all, since all the images he keeps are just your face now." Jack stated as the two left the Warren out from a large tunnel, back upwards to the world.

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