chapter 5

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Nightmare pov)

     I stayed on the watching...observing...i feel confusion...but no fear from this girl... I continue to watch the girl until I notice her look up from the goo on my tentacles dripping down onto her paper. She licked her notebook...what is she-oh sh-! I quickly teleport out the window as she throws it,grabbing the rim since the classroom she was in was on the third floor. I manage to get a good grip and peek from the window unseen,watching. I see the teacher going by the girl,I make the teacher feel uncertainty and concern. As the teacher put a hand on the girls head,I grin as I see her expression become fearful and say,"you're heated up!",and the girls expression turning confused.

(Y/n pov.)

      You were walking home since you didn't have a ride home,plus your house was very close to the school. Though you were still very confused on what just happened,fever?You didn't even feel sick. You kept thinking about why your teacher could've been acting so weirdly,you've been in so much thought you didn't feel yourself being followed when you got home. You only noticed when you saw a tall figure at the corner of your eye and turned but it disappeared. You shrugged and went inside,on the other side of feeling weird and suspicious you were actually happy you were let out early on a Thursday and maybe could get away with playing hookie on Friday. You then just wet to your bed and went on your phone,the usual thing you would when your friends were still at school if let out early or if they were on vacation or something like that.

Nightmare pov)

I was in the girl's closet,despite me being a asshole i was at least trying not to get my black substances on her clothes...for hiding the evidence of course! I watched her for a long time,occasionally looking at her clock...damn she stays up was 11:00 pm. It was 11:50 pm when she finally fell asleep...actually I ran out of patience and released some chemical I stole from a hospital once and made her sleep. I quietly crept to other side of her bed and looked at her,usually the people I give nightmares to are so bad they feel negative about themselves but this girl...she must have some sort of power or something like that,which is why I'm still here to look for that power.

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